Acton, Dr. Alfred, 363, 366, 367, 374, 375, 376
Adler, Alfred, 182
"Adramandoni," garden, 321
Adultery, defined by Swedenborg, 320
Alm, Henrik, 378
Angels, language, 267; auras; described, 279
Animal Kingdom, 131, 134, 139, 144, 146
"Animal spirits," 104, 105, 106, 226
Amsterdam, 124, 126, 127, 134, 337, 342
Apocalypse Explained, 303
Apocalypse Revealed, 303
Arcana Celestia, 230-237, 271, 278, 290
Areopagite, Dionysius, the, 83, 112
Arhusia, Christine, 75
Apparitions, mentioned by Swedenborg, 251
Aquinas, Thomas, 113
Aristotelianism at Upsala, 31, 32
Aristotle, 31, 32, 124; Theology of Aristotle, so-called, 113
Arithmetic, Polhem's, 60
Astrology, 294
Arrhenius, Svante, 2, 71, 367
Astronomy, Swedenborg's ideas, 72, 303
Aura, four kinds of, Principia, 106, 115; around man, 245; "sphere," 267—270
Authors, indebted to Swedenborg, 72
Automatic writing, 198, 205—217, 315, 352
Balfour, Lord G. W., 262, 377
Barrett, Sir W. F., 73
Behanan, Dr. K. T., 129
Behm, Brita, 68
Behm, Sara, 15, 20, 22, 24
Bendit, Laurence, 372
Bengtsson, Frans, 366
Benzelius, Eric, 31, 41, 45, 48, 54, 56, 60, 77, 125, 202
Bergia, Sara, 24, 25, 65, 74
Bergson, Henri, 255, 257, 377
Bergström, Eric, 349
Bernard, Dr. Theos, 129, 130
Bestermann, Th., 372
Beyer, Dr. Gabriel, 154, 314, 332, 334
Bible, in Economy of the Animal Kingdom, 111, 112; Swedenborg's exigesis, 203217; and "Grand Man," 293
Board of Mines, 67, 68, 134, 156, 157
Boehme, Jacob, 82, 234, 333, 376
Bolander mills, 187
Bosch, Hieronymus, 240
Brahe, Eric, 297
Brain, Swedenborg's studies of, 98, 99, 146, 147 (see also Cerebrum)
Breathing, inhibited (Yogic), 126, 129, 130, 218—219
British Medical Journal, 99
Broad, Professor C. D., 159
Broman, Erling, 326
Brosse, Dr. Th., 375
Buddhism, 358; Tantric, 315
Bull, Unigenitus, 297
Bush, George, 374
Buss, J. F., 374
Butcher, Henry, 198
"Carte du Tendre," 321
Cartesianism at Upsala, 31, 33
Cambridge Platonists, 49, 112
Cassini, G. D., 56
Castellio, Sebastian, 150, 151
Celibates, separate heaven for, 318
Celsius, Bishop, 329
Celsius, Professor, 66
Cerebrum, modern reviews of, 99, 100
Chaffin will case, 194
Charles XI, 17, 18, 19, 33
Charles XII, and Bishop Swedberg, 26; battles, 37, 40, 41, 58; "Iron Head," 59; meets Swedenborg, 61; employs Swedenborg, 62, 63; killed, 63; Gürtz, 274: in spirit-world, 295; his character, 296
Childhood, Swedenborg's, invisible playmates, 22; discussed faith, 23
Christians, worst of spirits, 233; Chinese distrust of, 280; heathen better than, 280, 281
"Church of the Lord," defined, 280
Church, New, and Church of the New Jerusalem, 302, 334, 340, 341, 350, 352Coimbra, Bishop of, 339
College debates, 34
"Collegiants," 159
Collin, Nicholas, 329—330
Comedians, in spirit-world, 299
Commission, Swedenborg's belief in his divine, 150—154
Concubinage, 320
Congress, International Swedenborg, 1
Conjugial Love, 51, 307, 308-324, 336
"Controls," of mediums, 207
Cookworthy, Wm., 348
"Correspondence," theories of, 283—290, 298
Courteous "spirits," 299
"Cross-correspondence," cases, 197, 198, 262
Cuno, J. C., 336-343, 350
Curriculum, at Upsala, 35, 36
Dalin, Councilor von, 191
"David," 210, 211
Dawson-Smith, Mrs., case, 194, 195
Degrees, doctrine of series and, 109
Delft vision, 141—144, 151, 306, 352
Descartes, Rene, 24
Diaries, Swedenborg's, for 1733-1734, 69; for 1736-1739, 89-94; for 1743-1744. 131, 134, 135, 136, 148, 180; travel diary 1739, 214; Spiritual Diary (Memorabilia), for 1747—1765, 213, 214, 215, 235, 298, 301
Diet, Swedish, Swedenborg as member, 273-275, 277
Dieterich, Fr., 379
Dingle, Professor Herbert, 367
Dionysius, the Areopagite, 83, 112
Divine Love and Wisdom, 303
Divine Providence, The, 303, 356
Dreams, Swedenborg's, Wolff's ideas commented, 87; sex symbolism, 137—138; of Jesus, 139; 144; of work, 145; semi-trances, 148
Driesch, Hans, 100, 103, 258
Duseen, 180
Economy of the Animal Kingdom, title, 95; method of, 101; doctrine of series and degrees, 109; "influx," 111; system, 115; soul defined, 116—117; free will, 119; desire, 121; absence of dogmas, 122; publication date, 124; religion in, 208; 345
Ehrenpreuss, Senator, 305
Einstein, 73
Ekeblad, Count Claes, 349
Ekebom, Dean, 331, 332
Electro—cardiograms, of yogins, 219
Elizabeth, Empress of Russia, 327
Elfvius, Professor, 47, 56
Embryo, Swedenborg's theory of, 102—103, 104-105
English, character of people, 304
Erigena, Iohn Scotus, 111
Ernesti, Dr., 308
Ethics, Swedenborg's, 276
Evans-Wentz, W. Y., 378
Evil, own punishment, 241
Evil, problem of, 354—357
Execution (Brahe's), 327
External and internal natures of man, 79, 237-240
Ferelius, Pastor Arvid, 359, 360
Ffoulkes, Martin, 287
The Fibre, 135, 180, 183, 286
Five Senses, The, 145, 146
Finances, Swedish, Swedenborg on, 274
Flamsteed, 46, 47
Flournoy, Th., 54, 162
France, figures on church in, 93
Free will, 119-121
Freud, Sigmund, 61, 162, 182
Fylgja, The, 363
Gardiner, Harold, 367
Gay, John, 43, 44
Gehenna, city at edge of, 304
Géley, Gustave, 371
Geymuller, Henri de, 375
Gichtel, J. G., 234
Gjörwell, C. Ch., 305-306
God, as law, 118, 111, 358, 359
Görtz, Baron G. H. von, 274
"Grand Man," Gichtel's, 234; 289-294
Graphology, expert in, 213
Green, English friend of Kant, 185-186, 193
Grimberg. C., 373, 379
Groningen, University of, experiment, 171
Grotius, Hugo, 103
Gyllenborg, Elizabeth Stierncrona, Countess, 78, 319
Gyllenborg, Count, 305,Halley, Edmund, 48, 54
Hallucinations, collective, 252
Hart, J., 349
Hartley, Rev. Thomas, 115, 118, 346-348, 360
Heaven, 234, 241; special for ascetics, 277, 318; children in, 281, 298; rich and poor in, 281; traders, 281; officials, 281; beauty of, 281; higher, 299; lower, 300
Heaven and Hell, 236, 278-284, 319
Hell, 234, 240, 241, 281-283, 322—323
Heresy, Swedenborg accused of, 331-332
Hesselius, Andreas, 27, 48, 294
Hettinger, Dr. J., 187, 373
Hieroglyphic Key, 150, 209
Hinduism, 315, 358
Hitchcock, E. A., 163
Hitschmann, E., 162, 163
Hobbes, Thomas, 100
Hodgson and Davey, 372
Hoffmann, Professor, 85
Holberg, Ludvig, 189, 373
Home, Swedenborg's in Stockholm, 202, 271
Höpken, Count A. J. von, 6, 10, 192, 274, 307, 334
Horlemann, Baron, 305
Humanitarians, 18th century, 357
Huxley, Aldous, 38, 114
Hypnosis, memory in, 258
Indexes, Swedenborg's to Bible, 202
India, telepathy from, 251
Idle, rich women, spirits of, 298
"Influx," 111, 116, 117, 345
Insanity, defined by Swedenborg, 132, 133; Swedenborg mentions his appearing to be insane, 247
Insanity, question of Swedenborg's, 157-167
Intercourse between the Soul and the Body, 344-345, 348
Inventions, Swedenborg's, 57
James, William, 4, 81, 162
Janet, Pierre, 58, 175, 176
Jansenists, 296
Jaspers, Karl, 164-165
Jeans, Sir James, 74
Jerfeld, Professor, 28
Jesuits, 297
Jones, Rufus, 83, 367, 371
Jung. C. G., 164, 182, 237
Jung-Stilling, 187
Kabbalists, and sex imagery, 315
Kant, Immanuel, 184-185, 186, 344, 373
Karma, 358
Kierkegaard, Søren, 358
Kleen, E. A. G., 366, 367
Klemming, G. E., 370
Knobloch, C. von, 373
Koestler, Arthur, 108; The Yogi and the Commissar, 108; Arrival and Departure, 166
Kronheimer, Else F., 374
Lamm, Martin, 159, 371
Language, image, of spirits, 263-267
Language, Swedenborg's theory of origin, 265
Lapps, shamanism, 128
Last Judgment, The, 294, 296, 302
Layard, John, 372
Leibnitz, 56, 71, 114
Lewis, F. T., 368
Lewis, John, printer, 230, 231
Lewis, Wilmarth S., 366
Library, Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, 211
Light, in mysticism, 130, 131
Light, seen by Swedenborg, 125, 127, 128
Liquor control, Swedenborg on, 273
Locke, John, 116, 117
London, 18th century, 43; 302, 346, 349
Longitude, A New Method for Finding at Sea. 47
Louis XIV, 297
Louis XV, 297
Luhr, Overton, 372
Luther, Martin, 102, 158, 305
Machiavellianism, 357
Magnetism, 73
Malebranche, 56, 113
Marriage, in spirit-world, 105, 238, 314-320; mysticism, 315; physiology and psychology, 321, 322; Swedenborg, 80
Marteville receipt, 193, 194, 325, 330
Martin and Stribic, experiment, 171
Mathesius, Pastor A., 158
Medium, Swedenborg, 188, 205-207, 248-249, 325, 327; automatist, 207; defined by Tyrrell, 235; "subject," 243; modern medium and pains, 292
Melancholy, 134, 135
Memorable relations, 301, 307; disciples Aristotle, Leibnitz, Descartes, 308; surfeit of heaven, 309—313; young men, 315—317; garden "Adramandoni," 321; the lustful in hell, 322; unjust judges, 323; the power-mad, 323; repeated in True Christian Religion; dispute about religion, 358
Memory, Swedenborg's, 202; spirit remembers himself from Swedenborg's. 243; theories of, 254—262; other-world built from, 298
Messiter. Dr., 346, 347, 348, 360
Microscope and spirits, 179
"Middle-character" spirits, 241
Milton, John, 278
Mind-body relationship, Swedenborg's ideas on, 84—88, 94, 95, 107, 110, 111, 146—147, 160—161, 226, 236—237, 344—346
Mistress, had Swedenborg a, 78, 328
Monarchy, absolute, 94, 274
Montagu, M. F. Ashley, 368
Montesquieu, 278
Moraeus, Johannes, 30, 31
Moravians, 145
More, Henry, 50, 113
More, Sir Thomas, 278
Morgagni, 95
Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 107
Motion of the Elements, The, 85
Mühl, Anita, 374
Murphy, Dr. Gardner, mind-body problem, 100, 345; need for the paranormal, 183; survival, 198, 199; "field" theory, 242; methods, 368, 372, 373
Myers, F. W. H., 4, 162, 198
Mystic experience, Swedenborg's, 138, 143, 144, 153
Needham, J., 108
Neoplatonism in Economy, 112, 113; in Word Explained, 214
Neoplatonist Church Fathers, 113
Netherlands, 55, 93, 303
Neuburger, Dr. Max, 98
New Church. See Church
New York, 304
Newbold, Wm. Romaine, 370
Newton, Sir Isaac, 297
"Nexus," 82
Nicene Creed, 353
Nordencrantz, Anders, 274
Nordensköld, Eric, 365, 366, 368
Norris, John, 50, 56, 113
Odhner, C. Th., 368, 374, 375
Odhner, S. C., 364, 366, 367, 373, 380 (see also Sigstedt, Cyriel O. and Sigrid O.)
Odor, "spheres" of, 268—270
Oettinger, F. C., 333
Of the Infinite, 82-85; second half, Of the Mechanism of the Intercourse between the Soul and the Body, 84, 88
On Tremulations, 85
Oliver, Dr. C. P., 366
Opera Philosophica et Mineralia, 69; Principia, 70-74, 81; reviews, 76, 77; translated, 77
Origen, 150, 203, 204
Ouspensky, P. D., 376
Oxford, 48
Payne, Phoebe, 372
Penn, William, 61
Peter III, Russian Czar, death, 187
Philo Judæus, 150, 203
"Physical" phenomena, 248
Planets, "spirits" of, 214, 293
Plato, 6, 36, 113
Platonist, Cambridge, 49, 83
Plotinian similes, 112
Plotinian Christianity, 83
Plotinus, 36, 49, 86, 121
Poems, Swedenborg's youthful, 51
Polhem, Christopher, 42, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64; at own funeral, 297
Polhem, Emerentia, 77
Pratt, J. G., 373
Pratt-Woodruff experiment, 171
Precognitive dreams, Swedenborg, 169
Price, Professor Enoch, 366, 371
Price, Professor H. H., 129
Prince, Dr. Morton, 372
Principia, 71; God in, 81; four auras, 73, 106; soul, 116
"Proprium," man's ego, 356
Protestants, as "Philistia," 302; in Summary Exposition, 340
Psychical research, 168 ff.; Usher and Burt experiment, 188; Chaffin will, 194; Mrs. Dawson-Smith, 195; mediums, 235; reading list, 372Psychical Research, Society for (English), 49, 168, 177
Psycho-analysts and Swedenborg, 162-167
Psychon-system, Carington theory, 174-175, 182; survival, 195-197; 226
Psychosomatic theory of Swedenborg, 286
Publilius Syrus, 38
Palmquist, Baron, 55, 56
Rambouillet, Marquise de, 321
Ramström, Professor Martin, 99, 102
"Razor's edge," of Hindu mystics, 80
Reproduction (De Generatione), 137
Retzius, Professor Gustaf, 98, 99
Reviews, Swedenborg, 65
Reynolds, Elizabeth, 362
Rhine, Dr. J. B., 171, 372
Richmond, Kenneth, 374
Robertson, A. J. B., 372
Robsahm, Carl, Swedenborg's "mission," 151-153; 154, 222; Swedenborg's garden, 272; 274. 277-278, 331
Roman Catholics, "Babylon," 101; 340, 341
Rosén, Dr. Johan, 332
St. Augustine, 113
St. Croix, stranger from, 362, 363
Scherer, August, 380
Scholem, Gershom C., 315, 380
Schrödinger, Professor Erwin, 103, 104, 368
Schwenkfeldians, 83
Second-century theologians, 210
"Second Coming," in Swedenborg's writings, 334
"Seekers," English sect, 159
Series and Degrees, doctrine, 109
Sewall, Frank, 366, 371
Sex, Swedenborg on, 51-54, 123, 136-138, 312-315
Shearsmith, wigmaker and barber, 158, 350, 360, 362, 363
"Shekhinah," 315
Sidis and Goodheart, 372
Sigstedt, Cyriel Odhner (Sigrid O.), 364, 365 (see also Odhner, S. C.)
Sloane, Sir Hans, 287
"Society," spirit, 241-244; spirit cut off from, 244; and space, 250-254; of the Eagle, 313
"Solomon," 210, 211
Soul of the Universe, The (G. Strémberg), 107-108
Space and time, for spirits, 250-255
"Spheres," auras, 267-270
Spinoza, Baruch, 55, 113, 147
Spirits, Swedenborg's idea of before April, 1745, 161; his dissociation, 167; not "real" bodies, 178-179, 223 ff; and microscope, 179; vary Swedenborg's writing, 213; of other planets, 214; known personally to Swedenborg, 217; "organized substances," 223-226; retain sensations, 223; frightened of being, 225; image-conversation, 227-228, 264-265; world of, 234-241; and mediums, 235; "middle-character," fear "death," 241; societies, 241-244; like relatives and friends, 241; difficulty of remembering, 243; "subjects," 244: "conjoined" to men, 244-246; compulsion neurosis, 245; desire Swedenborg to eat, 247; limited sight, 247; "physical" phenomena, 248; time and space, 250-255; meet by wishing, 252; memory, 254-262; mistakes by, 259; ideas visible, 260, 263; "speech," 263-267; "sphere" (aura), 267-270; odor, 268-270; usefulness of evil, 276; and graven image, 280; in "Grand Man," 289-291; fantasies seen as real, 295; in trance (Louis XIV), 297; idle, rich women, 298; comedians, 299; courtesy among certain, 299; effect of music on, 299; apparent changes in state of, 300; wearied of "heaven," 308 ff.; young men, 322 ff.; after execution, 327
Spiritual Diary (Memorabilia), 213-218; on breathing, 218; on revenge, 355
"Spirituous fluid," 104, 105, 106, 226
Spoerl, Dr. H. D., 372
Springer, Christopher, 348-349
Stahl, G. E., 36, 85, 100
Stanislaus, King of Poland, 339
Steuchius, Stina Maja, 78
Stockholm, in spirit world, 304
Stockholm fire, 186, 325
Strindberg, August, 164
Stroh, Alfred H., 364, 366, 367, 368, 371
Stroh, Mrs. Alfred H. (Signe), 366
Strömberg, Dr. Gustaf, 107-108
"Subjects," spirits, 243
Summary Exposition of the Doctrines of the New Church, 340 ff.Swedberg. Bishop Jesper, 14-29, 59, 6o, 65, 71; third marriage, idea of heaven, death, 74-75; 80, 91; theater, 91: hypocrisy, 275: crown and throne, 310
Sweden. size of in 18th century, 37; witchcraft in, 189
Swedes, Swedenborg on character of, 304
Swedenborg, Emanuel, childhood, 22-24; college debates, 34; thesis on Publilius, 38-40; in London, 43 ff; longitude at sea, method for finding, 47; Oxford, 48; youthful poems, 51; and sex, 51-54. 123, 136-138, 312-315; Paris, 55 ff; inventions, 57; returns to Sweden, 58; extraordinary assessor, 62; ennobled, 64; full assessor, 66; scientific publications, 1722, 65; geological publications, 1719, 67; memorials to Diet, 67; Board of Mines employee, 67-68; ideas first expressed by (Arrhenius), 72; authors influenced by, 72; physics, 72 ff.; abroad 1736-1739. 75, 88, 89-93; Emcrentia Polhem, 77; Stina Maja Steuchius, 78; marriage, why not, 80; dream of father, 80; mind-body relationship, theories of, 84-88, 94, 95, 107, 110, 111, 145, 146-147, 160-161. 226, 236-237, 344-346; notes to Wolff, 88; on monarchy and republic, 94, 274; modern physiologists on, 97-100; “what is the body?" 101 ff.; embryo, 101-105; series and degrees, doctrine of, 109; system in Economy, 115 ff.; soul in Economy, 114; Amsterdam, 1739-1740, 124; The Fibre, 125, 128; light seen by, 127, 128; breathing, inhibited, 130, 218-219; Animal Kingdom, 133, 134. 139; insanity defined by, 133; Amsterdam, 1743, 136; melancholy, 134; not Victorian, 135; diary 1743-1744, 135 ff.; dreams, Wolff's ideas, 87, symbolic sex, 137-138, of Jesus, 139, 144, of work, 145, trance-like, 148; question of insanity, 157-167; psychoanalysts, 162-167; precognitive dreams, 169; split mental state, 180; extra-sensory perception, 184-192, 348-349; Stockholm fire, 62, 186, 320; Bolander mills, 187; death of Czar Peter III, 187; Queen of Sweden's secret, 190-193, 325, 330; Marteville receipt, 193, 194, 325, 330; mistress, had he a, 78, 328; home in Stockholm, 202. 271; indexes to Bible, 202; Bible exegesis, 203-217, 231-233; automatic writing, 205-217, 315, 352; objects to dictation, 210; describes kinds of dissociation ("spiritual sight"), 220 ff.; regulates heart-beat, 219; “psychic" organism, 223 ff.; travels, 1747-1749, 230; conscious medium, 188, 205-207, 248-249, 325, 327; obsession, 247; “physical" phenomena, 248; memory, 254-262; origin of language, theory of, 265; settles in Stockholm, 1751, 271; garden, 271 ff.; member Diet, 273 ff.; on absolute monarchy, 274; ethics, 276; "correspondence" 283-290, 298; “Grand Man," 289-294; New Church and Church of the New Jerusalem, 302, 334, 340, 341, 350, 352; on Christian dogmas, 302, 352-357; travels, 1762-1766, 303; memorable relations, 307; seen in both worlds, 319; daily life and habits, 325-330, 336 ff., 350; on psychic gifts, 326; estimates adherents, 328; on clergymen, 331; travels, 1769, 1770. 332, 346. 350; heresy, 331-332; certainty of “mission," 306, 307, 334, 342, 347; English friends, 346-348; his religion, 352 ff.; death, 360 ff.
Swedes' Old Church, Philadelphia, 330
Symbolism, Bible exegesis through, 150, 154; physiological, Swedenborg's, 290-294; of sex, 315; in dreams, 137-138; of planets, 294
Tafel, Leonard, 368
Tafel, R. L., 364
Telepathy, among spirits, 221 ff., 251
Tessin, Count, 9, 190 ff.
Theologia Germanica, 151
Theology of Aristotle, so-called, 294
Thomas, C. Drayton, 375
Thorndike. Lynn, 379
Thought, form of the will, 239; transferred from spirits, 245-246, 251
Tibetan Book of the Dead, See W. Y. Evans-Wentz
Tilas, Baron, 8, 201, 277, 314
Time and space, for spirits, 250-255
Trance, Swedenborg's methods for producing, 218 ff.
Törner, Fabianus, 36
Travels, Swedenborg's, 43, 55, 58, 75, 88, 89-93, 124, 136, 144, 230, 303, 332, 346, 350
Troilius, Archbishop, 326
True Christian Religion, The, 352-357
Tulk, C. A., 78, 319
Turnbull, Grace H., 369
Tuxen, Major-General C., 78, 192, 221, 327-328
Tyrrell, G. N. M., box experiment, 170; theory of apparitions, 176-178; "stage—manager," 227; medium defined, 235; on hallucinatory world, 252; books referred to, 372
Unge, Jonas, 75, 78
Upanishads, 49
Upsala University, Cartesianism, 31, 33; Latin, 33; "nations," 33, 34; debates, 34; curriculum, 35, 36
"Vastation." 240, 286
Veitch, John, 366
Verrall, Dr. A. W., 198
Visions, Swedenborg "in the spirit" when seeing, 214
Voltaire, 7, 81
Wedel, 36
Wesley, John, 158
Wetterberg, Gunnar, 365
Willett, Mrs., 217, 262-263, 264
Winsløv. 75, 95
Winterstein, Alfred von. 163
Worship and Love of God, 148-151, 201, 221
Wolff, Christian, 86-89, 125
Woodger (biologist), 108
Woodruff, J. (Pratt-Woodruff experiment), 171
Word Explained, The, 203-218, 231, 235
Wretman, Joachim, 271, 336