For works with similar titles, see Elements of Chemistry.
Member of the Academy of Sciences, Royal Society of Me-
dicine, and the Agricultural Society of Paris, of the Royal
Society of London, and Philosophical Societies
of Orleans, Bologna, Basil, Philadelphia,
Haerlem, Manchester, &c. &c.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, and Surgeon
to the Orphan Hospital of Edinburgh.
printed for WILLIAM CREECH, and sold in
london by g.g. and j.j. robinsons.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
Page I | |
CHAP. I.—Of the Combinations of Caloric, and the Formation of Elastic Aëriform Fluids or Gasses, | ibid. | |
CHAP. II.—General Views relative to the Formation and Composition of our Atmosphere, | 26 | |
CHAP. III.—Analysis of Atmospheric Air, and its Division into two Elastic Fluids; one fit for Respiration, the other incapable of being respired, | 32 | |
CHAP. IV.—Nomenclature of the several constituent Parts of Atmospheric Air, | 43 | |
CHAP. V.—Of the Decomposition of Oxygen Gas by Sulphur, Phosphorus, and Charcoal, and of the Formation of Acids in general, | 54 | |
CHAP. VI.—Of the Nomenclature of Acids in general, and particularly of those drawn from Nitre and Sea Salt, | Page 66 | |
CHAP. VII.—Of the Decomposition of Oxygen Gas by means of Metals, and the Formation of Metallic Oxyds, | 78 | |
CHAP. VIII.—Of the Radical Principle of Water, and of its Decomposition by Charcoal and Iron, | 83 | |
CHAP. IX.—Of the Quantities of Caloric disengaged from different Species of Combustion, | 97 | |
Combustion of Phosphorus, | 100 | |
SECT. I.—Combustion of Charcoal, | 101 | |
SECT. II.—Combustion of Hydrogen Gas, | 102 | |
SECT. III.—Formation of Nitric Acid, | 102 | |
SECT. IV.—Combustion of Wax, | 105 | |
SECT. V.—Combustion of Olive Oil, | 106 | |
CHAP. X.—Of the Combustion of Combustible Substances with each other, | 109 | |
CHAP. XI.—Observations upon Oxyds and Acids with several Bases, and upon the Composition of Animal and Vegetable Substances, | 115 | |
CHAP. XII.—Of the Decomposition of Vegetable and Animal Substances by the Action of Fire, | 123 | |
CHAP. XIII.—Of the Decomposition of Vegetable Oxyds by the Vinous Fermentation, | 129 | |
CHAP. XIV.—Of the Putrefactive Fermentation, | 141 | |
CHAP. XV.—Of the Acetous Fermentation, | 146 | |
CHAP. XVI.—Of the Formation of Neutral Salts, and of their Bases, | 149 | |
SECT. I.—Of Potash, | Page 151 | |
SECT. II.—Of Soda, | 155 | |
SECT. III.—Of Ammoniac, | 156 | |
SECT. IV.—Of Lime, Magnesia, Barytes, and Argill, | 157 | |
SECT. V.—Of Metallic Bodies, | 159 | |
CHAP. XVII.—Continuation of the Observations upon Salifiable Bases, and the Formation of Neutral Salts, | 161 | |
PART II. | ||
Of the Combinations of Acids with Salifiable Bases, and of the Formation of Neutral Salts, | 175 | |
INTRODUCTION, | ibid. | |
TABLE of Simple Substances, | 175 | |
SECT. I.—Observations upon simple Substances, | 176 | |
TABLE of Compound Oxydable and Acidifiable Bases, | 179 | |
SECT. II.—Observations upon Compound Radicals, | 180 | |
SECT. III.—Observations upon the Combinations of Light and Caloric with different Substances, | 182 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Oxygen with the Simple Substaces, to face | 185 | |
SECT. IV.—Observations upon these Combinations, | Page 185 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Oxygen with Compound Radicals, | 190 | |
SECT. V.—Observations upon these Combinations, | 191 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Azote with the Simple Substanccs, | 194 | |
SECT. VI.—Observations upon these Combinations of Azote, | 195 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Hydrogen with Simple Substanccs, | 198 | |
SECT. VII.—Observations upon Hydrogen, and its Combinations, | 199 | |
TABLE of the Binary Combinations of Sulphur with the Simple Substances, | 202 | |
SECT. VIII.—Observations upon Sulphur, and its Combinations, | 203 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Phosphorus with Simple Substances, | 204 | |
SECT. IX.—Observations upon Phosphorus and its Combinations, | 205 | |
TABLE of the Binary Combinations of Charcoal, | 207 | |
SECT. X.—Observations upon Charcoal, and its Combinations, | 205 | |
SECT. XI.—Observations upon the Muriatic, Fluoric, and Boracic Radicals, and their Combinations, | 209 | |
SECT. XII.—Observations upon the Combinations of Metals with each other, | 219 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Azote, in the State of Nitrous Acid, with the Salifiable Bases, | Page 212 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Azote, in the State of Nitric Acid, with the Salifiable Bases, | 213 | |
SECT. XIII.—Observations upon Nitrous and Nitric Acids, and their Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 214 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Sulphuric Acid with the Salifiable Bases, | 218 | |
SECT. XIV.—Observations upon Sulphuric Acid, and its Combinations, | 219 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Sulphurous Acid, | 222 | |
SECT. XV.—Observations upon Sulphurous Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 223 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Phosphorous and Phosphoric Acids, | 225 | |
SECT. XVI.—Observations upon Phosphorous and Phosphoric Acids, and their Combinations with Salifiable Bases. | 226 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Carbonic Acid, | 223 | |
SECT. XVII.—Observations upon Carbonic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 219 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Muriatic Acid, | 231 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Oxygcnatcd Muriatic Acid, | 232 | |
SECT. XVIII.—Observations upon Muriatic and Oxygenated Muriatic Acid. and their Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 233 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Nitro-Muriatic Acid, | Page 236 | |
SECT. XIX.—Observations upon Nitro-muriatic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 237 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Fluoric Acid, | 239 | |
SECT. XX.—Observations upon Fluoric Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 240 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Boracic Acid, | 242 | |
SECT. XXI.—Observations upon Boracic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 243 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Arseniac Acid, | 246 | |
SECT. XXII.—Observations upon Arseniac Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 247 | |
SECT. XXIII.—Observations upon Molibdic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 249 | |
SECT. XXIV.—Observations upon Tungstic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, and a Table of these in the order of their Affinity, | 251 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Tartarous Acid, | 253 | |
SECT. XXV.—Observations upon Tartarous Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 254 | |
SECT. XXVI.—Observations upon Mallic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 256 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Citric Acid, | 258 | |
SECT. XXVII.—Observations upon Citric Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 259 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Pyro-lignous Acid, | 260 | |
SECT. XXVIII. —Observations upon Pyro-lignous Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | Page 261 | |
SECT. XXIX.—Observations upon Pyro-tartarous Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | ibid. | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Pyro-mucous Acid, | 263 | |
SECT. XXX.—Observations upon Pyro-mucous Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 264 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Oxalic Acid, | 265 | |
SECT. XXXI.—Observations upon Oxalic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 266 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Acetous Acid, to face | 267 | |
SECT. XXXII.—Observations upon Acetous Acid, and its Combinations with the Salifiable Bases, | 267 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Acetic Acid, | 271 | |
SECT. XXXIII.—Observations upon Acetic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 272 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Succinic Acid, | 273 | |
SECT. XXXIV.—Observations upon Succinic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 274 | |
SECT. XXXV.—Observations upon Benzoic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 275 | |
SECT. XXXVI.—Observations upon Camphoric Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 276 | |
SECT. XXXVII.—Observations upon Gallic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | Page 277 | |
SECT. XXXVIII.—Observations upon Lactic Acid, and its Combinations with Salifiable Bases, | 278 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Saccho-lactic Acid, | 280 | |
SECT. XXXIX.—Observations upon Saccho-lactic Acid, and its Combination with Salifiable Bases, | 281 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of Formic Acid, | 282 | |
SECT. XL.—Observations upon Formic Acid, and its Combinations with the Salifiable Bases, | 283 | |
SECT. XLI.—Observations upon the Bombic Acid, and its Combinations with the Salifiable Bases, | 284 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of the Sebacic Acid, | 285 | |
SECT. XLII.—Observations upon the Sebacic Acid, and its Combinations with the Salifiable Bases, | 286 | |
SECT. XLIII.—Observations upon the Lithic Acid, and its Combinations with the Salifiable Bases, | 287 | |
TABLE of the Combinations of the Lithic Acid, | 288 | |
SECT. XLIV.—Observations upon the Pruffic Acid, and its Combinations with the Salifiable Bases, | 289 | |
PART III. | ||
Description of the Instruments and Operations of Chemistry, | 291 | |
INTRODUCTION, | Page 291 | |
CHAP. I.—Of the Instruments necessary for determining the Absolute and Specific Gravities of Solid and Liquid Bodies, | 295 | |
CHAP. II.—Of Gazometry, or the Measurement of the Weight and Volume of Aëriform Substances, | 304 | |
SECT. I.—Of the Pneumato-chemical Apparatus, | ibid. | |
SECT. II.—Of the Gazometer, | 308 | |
SECT. III.—Some other methods for Measuring the Volume of Gasses, | 319 | |
SECT. IV.—Of the method of Separating the different Gasses from each other, | 323 | |
SECT. V.—Of the necessary Corrections of the Volume of Gasses, according to the Pressure of the Atmosphere, | 328 | |
SECT. VI.—Of the Correction relative to the Degrees of the thermometer, | 335 | |
SECT. VII.—Example for Calculating the Corrections relative to the Variations of Pressure and Temperature, | 337 | |
SECT. VIII.—Method of determining the Weight of the different Gasses, | 340 | |
CHAP. III.—Description of the Calorimeter, or Apparatus for measuring Caloric, | 343 | |
CHAP. IV.—Of the Mechanical Operations for Division of Bodies, | 357 | |
SECT. I.—Of Trituration, Levigation, and Pulverization, | ibid. | |
SECT. II.—Of Sifting and Washing Powdered Substances, | Page 361 | |
SECT. III.—Of Filtration, | 363 | |
SECT. IV.—Of Decantation, | 365 | |
CHAP. V.—Of Chemical means for Separating the Particles of Bodies from each other without Decomposition, and for Uniting them again, | 367 | |
SECT. I.—Of the Solution of Salts, | 368 | |
SECT. II.—Of Lixiviation, | 373 | |
SECT. III.—Of Evaporation, | 375 | |
SECT. IV.—Of Cristallization, | 379 | |
SECT. V.—Of Simple Distillation, | 384 | |
SECT. VI.—Of Sublimation, | 388 | |
CHAP. VI.—Of Pneumato-chemical Distillations, Metallic Dissolutions, and some other operations which require very complicated instruments, | 390 | |
SECT. I.—Of Compound and Pneumato-chemical Distillations, | ibid. | |
SECT. II.—Of Metallic Dissolutions, | 398 | |
SECT. III.—Apparatus necessary in Experiments upon Vinous and Putrefactive fermentations, | 401 | |
SECT. IV.—Apparatus for the Decomposition of Water, | 404 | |
CHAP. VII.—Of the Composition and Use of Lutes, | 407 | |
CHAP. VIII.—Of Operations upon Combustion and Deflagration, | 414 | |
SECT. I.—Of Combustion in general, | ibid. | |
SECT. II.—Of the Combustion of Phosporus, | 418 | |
SECT. III.—Of the Combustion of Charcoal, | 421 | |
SECT. IV.—Of the Combustion of Oils, | Page 425 | |
SECT. V.—Of the Combustion of Alkohol, | 433 | |
SECT. VI.—Of the Combustion of Ether, | 435 | |
SECT. VII.—Of the Combustion of Hydrogen Gas, and the Formation of Water, | 437 | |
SECT. VIII.—Of the Oxydation of Metals, | 441 | |
CHAP. IX.—Of Deflagration, | 452 | |
CHAP. X.—Of the Instruments necessary for Operating upon Bodies in very high Temperatures, | 460 | |
SECT. I.—Of Fusion, | ibid. | |
SECT. II.—Of Furnaces, | 460 | |
SECT. III.—Of increasing the Action of Fire, by using Oxygen Gas instead of Atmospheric Air, | 474 | |
No. I.—Table for Converting Lines, or Twelfth Parts of an Inch, and Fractions Of Lines, into Decimal Fractions of the Inch, | 481 | |
No. II.—Table for Converting the Observed Heighth of Water in the Jars Of the Pneumato-Chemical Apparatus, expressed in Inches and Decimals, into Corresponding Heighths Of Mercury, | 482 | |
No. III.—Table for Converting the Ounce Measures used by Dr Priestley into French and English Cubical Inches, | 483 | |
No. IV.—Table for Reducing the Degrees Of Reaumeur’s Thermometer into its corresponding Degrees of Fahrenheit’s Scale, | 484 | |
No. V.—Additional.—Rules for Converting French Weights and Measures into correspondent English Denominations, | Page 485 | |
No. VI.—Table of the Weights of the different Gasses, at 28 French inches, or 29.84 English inches barometrical pressure, and at 10° (54.5°) of temperature, expressed in English measure and English Troy weight, | 490 | |
No. VII.—Tables of the specific Gravities of different bodies, | 491 | |
No. VIII.—Additional.—Rules for Calculating the Absolute Gravity in English Troy Weight of a Cubic Foot and Inch, English Measure, of any substance whose specific Gravity is known, | 505 | |
No. IX.—Tables for Converting Ounces, Drams, and Grains, Troy, into Decimals of the Troy Pound of 12 Ounces, and for Converting Decimals of the Pound Troy into Ounces, &c. | 508 | |
No. X.—Table of the English Cubical Inches and Decimals correspanding to a determinate Troy Weight of Distilled Water at the Temperature of 55°, calculated from Everard’s experiment, | 511 |
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