< Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)

YELLOWS, a disorder affecting black cattle, which, if it be not timely attended to, will induce the Murrain, and other fatal distempers.

Symptoms:—Every morning, a general tremor over the animal, particularly in the hinder legs, loins, and thighs; the eye-lids appear hollow; the whole body assumes a yellow cast; the nose is dry; and, if the creature have taken a severe cold, the ears hang down; the dewlap, shoulders, and loins swell; the udders of cows become tumefied, and produce little milk; which, in a few days, acquires a peculiarly yellow tinge, coagulating when boiled; and, lastly, the fore-teeth become so loose as to be in danger of dropping out.—It will be necessary to observe these symptoms with accuracy, and particularly that first mentioned; because, if they remain unnoticed for a few days, the disease will settle on some of the interior parts, and be followed by uncommon weakness, wheezing, dropsy, or other fatal distemper.

This malady is conjectured to proceed from the folds, in the inner membrane of the neck of the gall-bladder, becoming too weak to perform their functions; so that the bile, instead of being conveyed into the intestines, preternaturally forces itself into the biliary ducts, whence it passes through the vena porta, and mixes again with the blood: hence, that fluid acquires a corrosive quality, becomes thick or sizy, and consequently circulates slowly throughout the system.—From such disorganization, the livers of the diseased animals are incapacitated from performing their functions, so that the supply of bile is inadequate to the quantity thus unnaturally expended; and the blood concretes in different parts of the body, forming painful tumors, both internally and externally.—This distemper is most to be apprehended, for about five weeks, in the commencement of the spring and autumn, when the days are warm, and the evenings cold: in those seasons, the grass being very rich and succulent, the animals are apt to eat too freely.

The following remedies have been recommended, as being peculiarly efficacious in removing the yellows. First, take a handful of the tops of rue, and a similar portion of the greater celandine: let them be cut into small pieces, mixed with 1 oz. of pulverized turmeric (or, if this cannot be procured, of red Saunders-wood), and boiled in three pints of stale beer or ale. When the liquor is lukewarm, it must be given to the animal, and the dose repeated at the expiration of two days. Should a diarrhœa or scowering take place, the following preparation may be administered in the interval: Let 2lbs. of oak-bark be boiled in 1 gallon of water, till one-fourth part be evaporated: it is then to be strained, and 2 lbs. of rice should be boiled in such liquor, till it be soft: half a pound of burnt crust of bread, taken from the lower part of a loaf, and 2 quarts of milk, are next to be added; and the whole is suffered to simmer for about 20 minutes, when it should be divided into two portions, and given in a warm state to the animal.—By this treatment, cattle may be recovered in the course of a few days; provided they have not been too long neglected: for, when the disease has gained ground, such remedies ought to be continued for an additional length of time.

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