WRY-NECK, or Jynx torquilla, L. is a bird of passage, somewhat larger than a lark; of a brown and black colour, with wave-like stripes; appearing in Britain in the spring, and preceding the Cuckow: it has received its name from a whimsical habit of turning and twisting its neck, so as to bring the head over its shoulders: it also possesses the faculty of erecting the feathers of its head, similar to those of the Jay.
Wry-necks construct their nests of dry grass, in the hollows of trees: the female lays 6 or 8 white eggs, which have a very thin shell: it is remarkable, that the young brood, while in the nest, utter a hissing noise, not unlike that of snakes. During the period of incubation, the male attentively supplies the hen with ants, which furnish to these birds a very agreeable repast.
M. Buffon informs us that, toward the end of summer, the Wry-neck becomes exceedingly fat; and that its flesh, in point ot delicacy, is equal to that of the Ortolan.