WATER-CLOSET, an useful contrivance, the purpose of which requires no explanation.
In December, 1789, a patent was granted to Mr. Thomas Rowntree, for an improvement in the construction of water-closets; by arranging the several parts, in such manner that the whole apparatus may be moved at once, without being taken to pieces. His machine may, likewise, be adapted to the apartments of the sick, so as not to occupy a larger space, or to be more cumbersome, than a common night-chair; while the fetor is effectually suppressed by means of certain tubes. A more diffuse account of Mr. Rowntree's principle, occurs in the 11th vol. of the "Repertory of Arts," &c.
Another patent was obtained by Mr. Thomas Binns, for his invention of a machine applicable to privies and water-closets; from the peculiar construction of which, the bason is not only cleansed by the introduction of water, but a sufficient quantity of that fluid is left in the vessel, without the assistance of any person. This machinery, however, having been found too bulky, Mr. Binns, procured a second patent in November, 1800, for his contrivance of an improved apparatus, answering the several purposes of a water-closet, bidet, and easy chair; which are comprized in one-third part of the room occupied by the common portable water-closets. From its lightness, and small size, the new machine is well calculated for travelling, for camps, and for ships.—In the 7th and 15th vols. of the work above quoted, the inquisitive reader will meet with full specifications of both patents, which are farther illustrated with engravings.