< Domestic Encyclopædia (1802) < Volume 4
PAGE | |
RUFF, | 1 |
Rum, | ib. |
Rupture, | ib. |
Rupture-wort, | 3 |
Rush, | ib. |
, the Flowering, | 4 |
, the Hare's Tail, | ib. |
Rush-grass, | ib. |
Rust, | 5 |
, in Botany, | ib. |
Rye, | ib. |
Saddle, | 6 |
Safflower, | 7 |
Saffron, | 8 |
Sage, | 9 |
Sago, | 10 |
Sail-cloth, | ib. |
Saintfoin, | ib. |
Salad, | 11 |
Salep, | 12 |
Saliva, | ib. |
Sallow, | 13 |
Salmon, | ib. |
Salt, | ib. |
Saltpetre, | 16 |
Saltwort, | 17 |
, the Jointed, | 18 |
, the Black, | ib. |
Samphire, | ib. |
Sand, | ib. |
Sand-eel, | 19 |
Sand-piper, | ib. |
Sand-stone, | ib. |
Sandwort, | 20 |
Sandal, | ib. |
Sandarach, | ib. |
Sanders | 21 |
Sandiver, | ib. |
Sap, | ib. |
Sarsaparilla, | 22 |
Sassafras, | ib. |
Satyrion, | ib. |
Sausage, | ib. |
Savin, | 23 |
Savory, | 24 |
Saw-dust, | ib. |
Saw-wort, | ib. |
Saxifrage, | 25 |
Scab, | ib. |
Scabious, | 27 |
Scalds, | ib. |
Scald-head, | ib. |
Scammony | 28 |
Scarlet-fever, | 29 |
Scirrhus, | ib. |
Scorzonera, | 31 |
Scratches, | ib. |
Scrophula, | ib. |
Scull, | 33 |
Scull-cap, | 34 |
Scurvy, | ib. |
Scurvy-grass, | 35 |
Scythe, (with two Cuts), | 36 |
Sea, | 40 |
Air, | 41 |
Sickness, | ib. |
Sludge, | 43 |
Water, | ib. |
Wolf, | 45 |
Wrack, | ib. |
Seal, | 47 |
Sealing-wax, | ib. |
Sedlitz-water, | 48 |
Seed, | 49 |
Segg, | 50 |
Self-heal, | 51 |
Seltzer-water, | ib. |
Semolina, | ib. |
Senega, | ib. |
Senna, | 52 |
Serpent, | ib. |
Serradilla, | 53 |
Service-tree, | ib. |
Seton, in Surgery, | 54 |
Setons, in Farriery, | ib. |
Shad, | 55 |
Shagreen, | ib. |
Shale, | 56 |
Shark, | ib. |
Shaving, | 57 |
Shawl, | ib. |
Sheep, | ib. |
Sheep's-bit, | 63 |
Shepherd's-purse, | ib. |
Shingles, | ib. |
Shirt, | ib. |
Shoad-stone, | 64 |
Shoe, | ib. |
, in Farriery, | ib. |
Shot, | 65 |
Shoulder, | 66 |
Shrimp, | ib. |
Shrub, in Botany, | 67 |
, a Liquor, | ib. |
Sight, | ib. |
Silk, | 68 |
Worm, | ib. |
Silver, | 71 |
Weed, | ib. |
Simarouba, | 72 |
Sinapism, | ib. |
Siskin, | 73 |
Size, | ib. |
Skate, | ib. |
Skating, | 74 |
Skin, in Physiology, | ib. |
, in Commerce, | 75 |
Skirret, | 76 |
Slate, | ib. |
Slaters, | ib. |
Slaughtering, (with a Cut), | 77 |
Sleep, in Physiology, | 78 |
of Plants, | ib. |
Sleeping, | 79 |
Sleep-walking, | ib. |
Sloe-tree, | 80 |
Slug, | 81 |
Small-pox, | ib. |
Smalt, | 85 |
Smelling, | 86 |
Smelt, | ib. |
Smoke, | ib. |
Smoking, | 87 |
Smut, | 89 |
Snail, | ib. |
Snake, | 90 |
Snake-weed, | ib. |
Snap-dragon, | 91 |
Sneeze-wort-yarrow, | ib. |
Sneezing, | ib. |
Snipe, | 92 |
Snow, | ib. |
Snow-drop, | ib. |
Snuff, | 93 |
Soal, | ib. |
Soap, | 94 |
Earth, | 96 |
Wort, | 97 |
Soda, | ib. |
Soft-grass, | 98 |
Soil, | 99 |
Solomon's Seal, | ib. |
Soot, | 100 |
Sorrel, the Common, | ib. |
, the Sheep's | 101 |
, the Wood, | ib. |
Soup, | ib. |
Sow-bread, | 102 |
Sow-thistle, | ib. |
Sowing, | 103 |
Soy, | ib. |
Spa-water, | 104 |
Spade, (with a Cut), | ib. |
Spaniel, | 105 |
Spar, | ib. |
Sparrow, | ib. |
Spasm, | 106 |
Spatling-Poppy, | 107 |
Spearwort, the Great, | ib. |
, the Lesser, | 108 |
Specifics, | ib. |
Spectacles, | 109 |
Speech, | 110 |
Speedwell, | ib. |
Spermaceti, | ib. |
Spice, | 112 |
Spider, | 113 |
, the Red, | 114 |
Spider-Wort, | ib. |
Spignel, | ib. |
Spike-Oil, | ib. |
Spinach, | ib. |
Spindle-Tree, | 115 |
Spinning, | ib. |
Spirits, | 117 |
Spirit-of-Wine, | 118 |
Spleen, | 119 |
Spleen-Wort, | ib. |
Splents, | 120 |
Sponge, | ib. |
Spots, | 121 |
Sprain, | ib. |
Sprat, | ib. |
Spring, | 122 |
Spring-Grass, | ib. |
Spruce-Beer, | 123 |
Spurge, | ib. |
Spurge-Laurel, | ib. |
Spurry, | 124 |
Spurs, | ib. |
Squill, | ib. |
Squinting, | 125 |
Squirrel, | 126 |
St. Vitus's Dance, | 127 |
Stable, | ib. |
Stag, | 128 |
Staggers, | ib. |
Star-of-Bethlehem, | 129 |
Star-Grass, | ib. |
Star-Wort, | ib. |
Starch, | 130 |
Starling, | ib. |
Stavesacre, | 131 |
Stays, | ib. |
Steam, | 132 |
Steel, | 133 |
Steel-Yard, | 134 |
Stickle-Back, | ib. |
Stimulants, | 135 |
Stirrup, | ib. |
Stockings, | 136 |
Stomach, | ib. |
Stone, | 138 |
Stones, (with a Cut}, | 140 |
Stone-Crop, | 142 |
Storax, | 143 |
Stove, | ib. |
Strains, | 145 |
Strangles, | 146 |
Straw, | 147 |
Strawberry, | 148 |
Strawberry-Tree, | 151 |
Straw-Cutter, | 152 |
Sturgeon, | 156 |
Styptic, | ib. |
Sublimate, | ib. |
Succory, | 157 |
Suckling, | 158 |
Suet, | ib. |
Suffocation, | ib. |
Sugar, | 160 |
Suicide, | 163 |
Sulphur, | 164 |
Wort, | 165 |
Sumach-Tree, | ib. |
Sun, | 166 |
Sundew, | 167 |
Sun-Flower, | ib. |
Sun-Scorched, | 168 |
Supper, | ib. |
Surfeit, | 169 |
, in Farriery, | ib. |
Surgeon, | ib. |
Suspension, by the Cord, | 170 |
Swallow, | 171 |
Swallowing, | 172 |
Swallow-Wort, | ib. |
Swan, | 173 |
Sward-Cutter, (with Cuts), | ib. |
Swearing, | 178 |
Sweat, | 179 |
Sweating-Sickness, | ib. |
Swimming, | 180 |
Swinging, | 181 |
Swoon, | ib. |
Sycamore-Tree, | 182 |
Syllabub, | 183 |
Sympathy, | ib. |
Syrup, | ib. |
Tacamahaca, | 184 |
Talc, | 185 |
Tallow, | ib. |
Tamarind-Tree, | ib. |
Tanning, | ib. |
Tansy, | 188 |
Tape-Worm, | ib. |
Tar, | 190 |
Tarragon, | 191 |
Tarras, | ib. |
Tartar, | 192 |
Taste, | ib. |
Tea-Tree, | 193 |
Teal, | 195 |
Teasel, | ib. |
Teeth, | ib. |
Telescope, | 198 |
Temperance, | 199 |
Tench, | 200 |
Tendons, | ib. |
Tennis, | 201 |
Terrier, | ib. |
Terror, | ib. |
Theatre, | 202 |
Thermometer, | ib. |
Thigh, | 205 |
Thirst, | ib. |
Thistle, | ib. |
, the Cotton, | 206 |
Thorn-Apple, | ib. |
Thorn-Back, | 207 |
Thrashing, (with-Cuts), | ib. |
Thread, | 213 |
Thrift, | ib. |
Thrips, | ib. |
Throat, | ib. |
Throstle, | 214 |
Thrush, | ib. |
Thunder, | 215 |
Thyme, | 217 |
Tide, | 218 |
Tile, | ib. |
Tillage, | 219 |
Timber, | 220 |
Time, | 221 |
, Piece, | 222 |
Timothy-Grass, | 223 |
Tin, | 224 |
Tincture, | ib. |
Tinning, | ib. |
Toad, | 226 |
Tobacco, | ib. |
Tolu, | 228 |
Tom-Tit, | 229 |
Ton, | ib. |
Tongue, | ib. |
Tonsils, | 231 |
Tool, | ib. |
Tormentil, | 232 |
Tortoise, | ib. |
Touch, | 232 |
Touch-Wood, | 233 |
Tourniquet, | ib. |
Tower-Mustard, | 234 |
Tragacanth, | ib. |
Transfusion, | 235 |
Transplantation, | ib. |
Traveller's-Joy, | 236 |
Treacle, | ib. |
Tree, | ib. |
Tree-Mallow, | 238 |
Trefoil, | ib. |
, the Common, | 239 |
Trout, | ib. |
Troy-Weight, | 240 |
Truffle, | ib. |
Tulip, | ib. |
Tumbrel, (with a Cut), | 241 |
Tumor, | 242 |
Tunbridge-Water, | ib. |
Tunny, | 243 |
Turbith, | 244 |
, Mineral, | ib. |
Turbot, | ib. |
Turf, | 245 |
Turkey, | 245 |
Turmeric, | ib. |
Turnep, (with Cuts), | 246 |
Turning, | 252 |
Turnsol, | 253 |
Turpentine, | 254 |
Turtle, | ib. |
Tutsan, | 255 |
Types, | ib. |
Typhus, | 256 |
Valerian, | 258 |
Vanilla, | ib. |
Vapour, | 259 |
Varnish, | 260 |
Veal, | 261 |
Vegetable Kingdom, | ib. |
Vegetation, | 264 |
Veins, | 265 |
Veneering, | ib. |
Verdigrease, | ib. |
Verditer, | 266 |
Verjuice, | ib. |
Vervain, | 267 |
Vetch, or Tare, | ib. |
, the Bitter, | 268 |
, the Chickling, | ib. |
, the Corn, | 269 |
Vichy-Water, | ib. |
Vine, | ib. |
Vinegar, | 272 |
Violet, | 274 |
Viper, | ib. |
Viper's Bugloss, | ib. |
Vitriol, | ib. |
Vives, | 276 |
Ulcer, | ib. |
Umber, | 278 |
Vomiting, | ib. |
Urine, | 279 |
Usquebaugh, | 280 |
Uvula, | 281 |
Wafers, | ib. |
Waggon, | ib. |
Wagtail, | 282 |
Wainscot, | 283 |
Wake-Robin, | ib. |
Waking, | 283 |
Walking, | 284 |
Wall-Cress, | ib. |
Walnut-Tree, | 285 |
Walton-Water, | 286 |
War, | 287 |
Warbles, | ib. |
Warmth, (with a Cut), | ib. |
Warts, | 288 |
Wart-Wort, | 289 |
Washing, | ib. |
Wasp, | 290 |
Water, (with Cuts), | 292 |
, in the Head, | 301 |
Water-Aloe, | 302 |
Caltrops, | 303 |
Closet, | ib. |
Gladiole, | 304 |
Pepper, | ib. |
Proof, | ib. |
Wax, | 306 |
Weaning, | ib. |
Weasel, | 307 |
Weasel-Snout, | ib. |
Weather, | ib. |
Weather-Glass, | 308 |
Weaving, | 309 |
Weed, | ib. |
Weigh, | 310 |
Weight, | ib. |
Well, (with a Cut), | 313 |
Wen, | 315 |
Whale, | 316 |
Wheat, (with a Cut), | 317 |
Wheel, | 322 |
Whetstone, | 323 |
Whey, | ib. |
Whin-Chat, | 324 |
Whiskey, | ib. |
White-Swelling, | ib. |
White-Washing, | 325 |
Whiting, | ib. |
Whitlow, | 326 |
Grass | ib. |
Widgeon, | ib. |
Willow, | 327 |
Herb, | 329 |
Wind, | 330 |
, in Horses, | ib. |
Wind-Gall, | 331 |
Instruments, | 332 |
Windmill, (with a Cut), | ib. |
Wind-Pipe, | 334 |
Window, | ib. |
Wine, | 335 |
Winnow, | 338 |
Wire, | 339 |
Withers, | 340 |
Woad, | 341 |
Wolf's-Bane, | 342 |
Wolves-Teeth, | ib. |
Wood, | ib. |
Woodcock, | 346 |
Wood-pecker, | ib. |
Woodroof, | 347 |
Wool, | ib. |
Worms, | 349 |
, in Husbandry, | 350 |
Wormwood, | 351 |
Wort, | ib. |
Wound, | ib. |
Wounds, in Farriery, | 356 |
Woundwort, | 357 |
Wren, | ib. |
Wrestling, | 358 |
Writing, | ib. |
Wry-Neck, | 359 |
Yam, | ib. |
Yard, | 360 |
Yarn, | ib. |
Yarrow, | 361 |
Yawning, | 362 |
Yeast, | ib. |
Yellow, | 367 |
Yellow-Fever, | 368 |
Yellow-Hammer, | 375 |
Yellow-Rattle, | ib. |
Yellows, | ib. |
Yew-Tree, | 377 |
Yoke, | 379 |
Youth, | ib. |
Zaffre, | 382 |
Zanthoxylon, | 383 |
Zedoary, | ib. |
Zinc, | 384 |
Zizany, | 385 |
Acacia, the False, | 387 |
Acids, | 388 |
Acre, | ib. |
Agriculture, | ib. |
Air, | 389 |
Almond, | 390 |
Aloe, | 391 |
Alum, | ib. |
Amber, | ib. |
Anchovy, | 392 |
Anotta, | ib. |
Ant, | 393 |
Antimony, | ib. |
Antispasmodics, | 394 |
Architecture, | ib. |
Arithmetic, | ib. |
Art, | ib. |
Asparagus, | ib. |
Ass, | 395 |
Astronomy, | ib. |
Bark, | ib. |
Base-rocket, | 397 |
Bath, (Earth), | ib. |
Beam, | ib. |
Bee, | ib. |
Beet, | ib. |
Bill, | 398 |
Birch-Tree, | ib. |
Bird, | ib. |
Bittern, | ib. |
Bleaching, | ib. |
Bleak, | 399 |
Blight, | ib. |
Blue, | 400 |
Books | 401 |
Brass, | ib. |
Bread, | ib. |
Bricks, | 402 |
Bruises, | 402 |
Burweed, the Greater, | ib. |
Butter, | ib. |
Butter-cup, | 403 |
Butter-fly, | ib. |
Calender, | ib. |
Candle, | 404 |
Canker, | ib. |
Caoutchouc, | 405 |
Carp, | ib. |
Carriage, | 406 |
Cart, (with a Cut), | 407 |
Cascarilla, | 408 |
Cattle, | ib. |
Cauliflower, | 409 |
Cement, | ib. |
Chafer, | 410 |
Chaffinch, | ib. |
Chaps, | ib. |
Cheese, | 411 |
Chemistry, | 412 |
Chicken-pox, | ib. |
Chocolate-tree, | ib. |
Clarification, | ib. |
Cock's-foot-grass, | 413 |
Cord, | ib. |
Corn, | ib. |
Corn-flag, | 414 |
Cotton, | 415 |
Cough, | ib. |
Cream, | ib. |
Crow-foot, | ib. |
Cubebs, | 416 |
Cultivator, | ib. |
Cummin | 417 |
Curd | ib. |
Curtain, | ib. |
Cyder, | 418 |
Dewberry-bush, | ib. |
Diabetes, | ib. |
Dog's-tail-grass, | 419 |
Dargon's-blood, | ib. |
Draining, (with a Cut), | ib. |
Dung, | 421 |
Dung-hills, | ib. |
Dyeing, | 422 |
Ear, | ib. |
Ear-wig, | 423 |
Egg, | ib. |
Elm-trees, | ib. |
Exercise, (with a Cut), | 424 |
Face-ach, | ib. |
Film, | 425 |
Flea-locust, | ib. |
Food of Plants, | ib. |
Frost, | 426 |
Fruit-trees, | ib. |
Furnace, | 428 |
Germander, | ib. |
Gooseberry, | ib. |
Green, | 429 |
Guinea-corn, | ib. |
Gum-secretion, | ib. |
Gum, Yellow, | 430 |
Gymnastics, | ib. |
Hampstead-water, | ib. |
Hat, | 431 |
Hawk-moth, | ib. |
Hiccough, | 432 |
Hog, | ib. |
Honey-dew, | ib. |
Horse-chesnut, | ib. |
Hot-house, | ib. |
Hyacinth, | 433 |
Insects, | ib. |
Iron, | ib. |
Itch, | 434 |
Juniper-tree, | ib. |
Kilburn-water, | 435 |
Lackey-moth, | ib. |
Letter, | ib. |
Liverwort, | 436 |
Lock, | 437 |
Logic, | ib. |
| |
Manure, | 438 |
Mercury, | ib. |
Mildew, | ib. |
Mill, | 439 |
Moss, | ib. |
Nettle, | ib. |
Oil, | 440 |
Opodeldoc, | ib. |
Ornithology, | ib. |
Paint, | 442 |
Parsnep, | 443 |
Peat, | ib. |
Pichurim Beans, | 444 |
Plants, | ib. |
Plant-louse, | 445 |
Privies, | ib. |
Pruning, | ib. |
Rat, | 447 |
Red-ink, | ib. |
Rope, | ib. |
Rust, | ib. |
Scarborough-water, | 448 |
Sea-Plantain, | ib. |
Slugs | 448 |
Spice, | ib. |
Spider, the Red | 449 |
Stove, | ib. |
Strangury, | ib. |
Tamarisk, | 450 |
Tanning, | 451 |
Teeth, | ib. |
Tulip-tree, | ib. |
Turnep, | ib. |
Wasp, | 452 |
Waste-Lands, | ib. |
Water, (with a Cut), | ib. |
Mills | 453 |
Weather-glass, | ib. |
Wheat, | 454 |
Winnow, | ib. |
Worms, | ib. |
Yellow, | 455 |
Table for the use of Planters, | 456 |
Index to Latin Names, &c. | 457 |
General Index of Reference, &c. | 475 |
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