< Domestic Encyclopædia (1802) < Volume 2



Clarification, 2
Clary, ib.
Clay, 3
Clergy, benefit of, 4
Climate, ib.
Close-stool, 6
Cloth, ib.
Cloud-berry, 8
Clove, ib.
Clove-pink, ib.
Clover, 9
Clove-tree, 12
Club-moss, ib.
Club-rush, ib.
Clysters, ib.
Coaches, 15
Coal, 16
Cobalt, 21
Cocculus Indicus, ib.
Coccus, ib.
Cochineal, 23
Cock, ib.
Cockle, ib.
Cock-roach, ib.
Cock's-foot, 24
Cocoa, ib.
Cod, ib.
Coffee-tree, 25
Coffin, 26
Coin, 28
Coke, ib.
Cold, 29
Colic, 31
Colophony, 32
Colour, 33
Colour-making, 34
Colt, 39
Colts-foot, the Common, ib.
Columbine, 40
Columbo-root, ib.
Comb, ib.
Comfrey, 41
Commerce, 42
Commission of Bankruptcy, ib.
Commons, 44
Compass, ib.
Complexion, 45
Compost, 46
Compresses, 47
Conductors, ib.
Constitution, 48
Consumption, 49
Contagion, 51
Convulsion, 52
Cooking, (with Cuts), 53
Copaiba, 56
Copal, ib.
Copper, 58
Copperas, 61
Coral, ib.
Coralline, ib.
Cord, 62
Coriander, 63
Cork-tree, ib.
Corn, 64
Corn-chafer, 71
Corn-cockle, ib.
Cornel-tree, 72
Corn-salad, ib.
Corns, ib.
Corpulency, 73
Cosmetic, 73
Costiveness, 74
Cottage, 75
Cotton, 77
Cotton-grass, 78
Cough, 79
Couhage, 83
Country-Houses, (with a Cut), ib.
Cow, 87
Cow-parsnip, 89
Cowslip, 90
Cow-wheat, ib.
Crab, in Fruit-trees, 91
Crab-fish, ib.
Crab-tree, ib.
Crag, 92
Cramp, ib.
Crane, 93
Crane's-bill, 95
Crape, ib.
Cream, ib.
Credit, 96
Cress, ib.
Cricket, the Game, 97
———, the Common, ib.
Crop, 98
Cross-wort, 100
Croup, ib.
Crout, 101
Crow, ib.
Crowfoot, 102
Crow-net, ib.
Crying, 103
Crystal, 104
Crystallization, ib.
Cuckow, 105
Cucumber, ib.
Cudweed, 107
Curb, 108
Curdling, ib.
Curing, ib.
Curlew, ib.
Currant-tree, 109
Currying, 110
————, of Cattle, ib.
Cuttings, 111
Cuttle-fish 111
Cyder, ib.
Cyper-grass, 115
Cypress, 116
Dab, ib.
Dace, ib.
Daffodil, 117
Dairy-house, ib.
Daisy, 118
Dame-wort, 119
Dancing, ib.
Dandelion, 120
Darnel, 121
Day, ib.
Dead-nettle, 122
Dead-tops, ib.
Deafness, ib.
Deal, 124
Death, ib.
Death-watch, 126
Debility, ib.
Deciphering, 128
Deed, ib.
Deer, 129
Deformity, ib.
Dew, ib.
Dew-born, ib.
Diamond, 131
Diarrhœa, ib.
Dibble, (with a Cut), 132
Diet, 134
Digester, 137
Digestion, ib.
Dimness of Sight, 138
Dinner, ib.
Discount, 139
Disease, ib.
————s of Plants, 140
Distemper, 141
Distilling, 113
Distortion, 145
Ditch, 146
Dittany, ib.
Diuretics, 147
Dock, 148
Dodder, 149
Dog, 149
Dog-fly, 152
Dog's-grass, ib.
Dog's-mercury, 153
Dog-rose, ib.
Dog's-tail grass, 154
Dog's violet, ib.
Dolphin, ib.
Door, 155
Dough, ib.
Drag, (with a Cut), 156
Dragon's-blood, 157
Draining, (with several Cuts), ib.
Draught, 165
Drawback, ib.
Draw-net, 166
Drilling ib.
Drinking, 182
Drone, 183
Dropsy, 184
Dropwort, 185
Drowning, ib.
Drunkenness, 193
Dry-rot, 194
Duck, 195
Duck's-meat, 196
Duel, ib.
Dumbness, 197
Dung, 198
Dwarf-trees, 199
Dyeing 200
Dyer's-green-weed, 209
Dyer's-weed, ib.
Dysentery, 210
Eagle, 211
Ear, ib.
Ear-wig, 212
Earth, 213
Earth-banks, ib.
Earth-nut, 214
Earthquake, ib.
Earth-worm, 215
Eau-de-luce, ib.
Ebony, 216
Economy, ib.
Education, ib.
Eel, 217
Egg, ib.
Elder, 218
Elecampane, 219
Electricity, 220
Electuary, 221
Elephant, ib.
Elm-tree, 222
Elocution, 223
Embroidery, ib.
Emerald, 224
Emery, ib.
Emetics, 225
Emollients, 226
Emulsion, ib.
Enamel, 227
Encyclopædia, ib.
Engrafting, 229
Enriching Plants, 230
Epidemic, 231
Epilepsy, ib.
Epsom Salt, 232
Eryngo, ib.
Eschallot, 233
Espaliers, ib.
Essence, 234
Ether, 235
Euphorbium, ib.
Evacuation, ib.
Evaporation 236
Evening, ib.
Evergreens, 237
Exchange, ib.
Excoriation, 238
Excretion, ib.
Exercise, 239
Exhalation, 240
Exotic, 241
Expectorants, ib.
Extracts, 242
Extravasation, ib.
Eye, 243
Eye-bright, 246
Face, ib.
Faggot, ib.
Fair, 247
Falcon, 247
Fall, ib.
Fallowing, 248
Fan, 249
Farcy, ib.
Farm, ib.
—— House, 252
Farriery, 253
Fasel-nut, ib.
Fashion, 254
Fasts, or Fasting, ib.
Fat, ib.
Fattening of Colours, 255
Feather, ib.
Felt, 256
Fen, ib.
Fence, ib.
Fennel, 257
Fenugreek, 258
Fermentation, ib.
Fermented Liquors, 260
Fern, the Female, 261
—— the Male, 262
Ferret, ib.
Fescue-grass, 263
Fever, 264
Fever-few, 270
Fever-powders, ib.
Field, 271
Fig-tree, 272
Fig-wort, 274
File, ib.
Filtration, (with two Cuts), ib.
Finch, 278
Fir-tree, ib.
Fire, 280
Fire-arms, 286
Fire-cocks, ib.
Fire-escape, ib.
Fire-irons, 288
Fire-place, (with five Cuts), ib.
Fire-proof, 292
Firing-iron, 293
Firkin, ib.
Fish, ib.
Fishing, 294
Fish-ponds, 295
Fistula, 296
Fixed Air, 297
Flag, 299
Flannel, ib.
Flatulency, 300
Flax, 301
Flax, the Toad, 303
Flea, 304
Flea-bane, ib.
Flesh-meat, 305
Fleuk-worm, 306
Flint, ib.
Floor, ib.
Flounder, 307
Flour, ib.
Flower, 309
Flower-de-Luce, 312
Fluellin, 313
Flummery, ib.
Flute, ib.
Flux, ib.
——, of Sap-flow, 314
Fly, ib.
Fly-blown, 315
Fly, the Catch, 316
Fly, the Spanish, ib.
Fly-struck, ib.
Fodder, 317
Fog, ib.
Fomentation, 318
Food, ib.
—— of Plants, 320
Fool's Farsley, 321
Foot, ib.
Foot-halt, 322
Foot-rot, 323
Forcing, 324
Forest, 325
Forestalling, ib.
Fossil Alkali, 326
Fossil Coal, 327
Fossil Pitch, 328
Foul, ib.
Foundered, 329
Fox, ib.
Fox-glove, 330
Fox-tail-grass, 331
Fractures ib.
Freckles, 332
French Mercury, 333
Friction, ib.
Frog, ib.
Frost, 334
Fruit-trees, 338
Frumenty, 342
Frush, ib.
Fuel, 343
Fuller's Earth, 344
Fulling, 345
Fumigation, ib.
Fumitory, 346
Funeral Rites, ib.
Fur, 347
Furnace, ib.
Furrow, 350
Furze, 351
Fustic, 352
Gad-fly, 353
Galbanum, ib.
Gale, 354
Gall, ib.
—— in Sheep, 355
Galling, ib.
Gallon, ib.
Galvanism, ib.
Gamboge, 359
Game, in general, ib.
Game, among Sportsmen, 360
Gaming, ib.
Gangrene, 361
Garden, 362
Garget, 363
Gargil, 364
Gargle, ib.
Gargut, ib.
Garlic, 365
Garter, 366
Gauze, ib.
Gem, 367
Generation, ib.
Gentian, 368
Germander, 368
—————, the Wild, 369
Gid, ib.
Gilding, ib.
Gilead, 370
Gin, ib.
Ginger, 371
Ginseng, 372
Glanders, ib.
Glass, 373
Glauber's-Salt, 375
Glazing, ib.
Gleaning, 377
Glove, 378
Glow-worm, ib.
Glue, ib.
Gnat, 379
Goat, 380
Goat's-beard, 381
Gold, ib.
Golden-rod, 383
Goldfinch, ib.
Gold-fish, ib.
Gold-of-Pleasure, 384.
Goose, ib.
Gooseberry, 385
Goose-foot, 386
Goose-grass, 387
Gourd, 388
Gout, 389
Gout-weed, 391
Grain, 392
Grains, ib.
Granary, ib.
Granate, 394
Granite, ib.
Granulation, 395
Grapes, ib.
Grass, ib.
Grass-hoppers, 397
Grass-wrack, 398
Grates, ib.
Gravel, 399
Gravel, in Medicine, ib.
Gravelling, 400
Grease, in Horses, ib.
Grease of Animals, 401
Green, 401
Green-finch, 402
Green-house, ib.
Green Sickness, 403
Greyhound, 404
Grief, 405
Gripes, ib.
Gromwell, 407
Ground-ivy, ib.
Ground-nuts, 408
Ground-pine, ib.
Groundsel, ib.
Grouse, ib.
Grove, 409
Grub, ib.
Grubbing, ib.
Guaiacum, 410
Gudgeon, ib.
Guelder-rose, 411
Guinea, ib.
Guinea-grass, 412
Guinea-hen, ib.
Guinea-pig, ib.
Gull, 413
Gullet, ib.
Gum, 414
Gum-secretion, 415
Gum-boil, 416
Gums, ib.
Gun, 417
Gunpowder, ib.
Gutta Serena, 418
Gutters, 419
Gypsum, ib.
Haddock, 421
Hail, 422
Hair, ib.
Hair-grass, 424
Hair-powder, 425
Halter-cast, ib.
Halting, ib.
Ham, 426
Hand, 427
Hare, ib.
Harrowgate-waters, 428
Harrow, (with Cuts), 429
Hartfell-water 435
Harts' horns, ib.
Hat, 436
Hatching, 437
Haulm, 438
Haw, ib.
Hawk, 439
Hawk-weed, ib.
Hawthorn, 440
Hay, ib.
Hays, 445
Hazel-nut-tree, ib.
Head 446
Head-ach, ib.
Health, 447
Hearing, 448
Heart, ib.
Heart-burn, ib.
Heart's-ease, 449
Heat, ib.
Heath, the Common 450
Heath, the Berry-bearing, ib.
Hectic Fever, ib.
Hedge, 451
Hedge-hog, 453
Hellebore, 454
Hemlock, the Common, ib.
Hemlock, the Water, 455
Hemlock, the Long-leaved, ib.
Hemp, ib.
Hen, 457
Henbane, 458
Hen-harrier, 459
Hen-mould-soil, ib.
Hentings, ib.
Hepatic Aloe, ib.
Herb, 460
Herbal, ib.
Herb-Paris, 461
Herb-Robert, 462
Heron, ib.
Herring, ib.
Hiccough, 463
Hide, 464
Hide-bound, 465
Highway, ib.
Hoarseness, ib.
Hoe, (with three Cuts), 466
Hoeing, 468
Hog, 469
Holly, 471
Hollyhock, 472
Honey, ib.
Honey-dew, 473
Honey-suckle, 473
Hoof, ib.
Hoof-boney, ib.
Hoof-bound, 475
Hoof-brittle, 476
Hoof-casting, ib.
Hoof-hurt, ib.
Hop, ib.
Horehound, the White, 478
Horehound, the Black, 478
Horehound, the Water, 479
Horn, ib.
Horn-beam, ib.
Horn-distemper, 480
Hornet, ib.
Horse, 481
Horse-bread, 486
Horse-chesnut, 487
Horse-fly, 488
Horse-Medicines, ib.
Horse-radish, 492
Horse-shoe-head, ib.
Horse-tail, ib.
Hospital, 493
Hot-bed, ib.
Hot-house, 494
Hound, 496
Hound's-tongue, ib.
Hour, 497
Hour-glass, ib.
House, ib.
House-leek, 498
Hunger, ib.
Hunting, 499
Husbandry, 500
Hyacinth, 501
Hydrometer, ib.
Hykes, 502
Hypochondriac Affection, ib.
Hyssop, 503
Hysterics, ib.
Jack, (with a Cut), 504
Jack-daw, 505
Jalap, ib.
Japanning, 506
Jasmine, ib.
Jaundice, 507
Jaw, 508
Jay, 509
Ice, ib.
Jelly, 512
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