< Domestic Encyclopædia (1802) < Volume 2
PAGE | |
CITRON, | 1 |
Clarification, | 2 |
Clary, | ib. |
Clay, | 3 |
Clergy, benefit of, | 4 |
Climate, | ib. |
Close-stool, | 6 |
Cloth, | ib. |
Cloud-berry, | 8 |
Clove, | ib. |
Clove-pink, | ib. |
Clover, | 9 |
Clove-tree, | 12 |
Club-moss, | ib. |
Club-rush, | ib. |
Clysters, | ib. |
Coaches, | 15 |
Coal, | 16 |
Cobalt, | 21 |
Cocculus Indicus, | ib. |
Coccus, | ib. |
Cochineal, | 23 |
Cock, | ib. |
Cockle, | ib. |
Cock-roach, | ib. |
Cock's-foot, | 24 |
Cocoa, | ib. |
Cod, | ib. |
Coffee-tree, | 25 |
Coffin, | 26 |
Coin, | 28 |
Coke, | ib. |
Cold, | 29 |
Colic, | 31 |
Colophony, | 32 |
Colour, | 33 |
Colour-making, | 34 |
Colt, | 39 |
Colts-foot, the Common, | ib. |
Columbine, | 40 |
Columbo-root, | ib. |
Comb, | ib. |
Comfrey, | 41 |
Commerce, | 42 |
Commission of Bankruptcy, | ib. |
Commons, | 44 |
Compass, | ib. |
Complexion, | 45 |
Compost, | 46 |
Compresses, | 47 |
Conductors, | ib. |
Constitution, | 48 |
Consumption, | 49 |
Contagion, | 51 |
Convulsion, | 52 |
Cooking, (with Cuts), | 53 |
Copaiba, | 56 |
Copal, | ib. |
Copper, | 58 |
Copperas, | 61 |
Coral, | ib. |
Coralline, | ib. |
Cord, | 62 |
Coriander, | 63 |
Cork-tree, | ib. |
Corn, | 64 |
Corn-chafer, | 71 |
Corn-cockle, | ib. |
Cornel-tree, | 72 |
Corn-salad, | ib. |
Corns, | ib. |
Corpulency, | 73 |
Cosmetic, | 73 |
Costiveness, | 74 |
Cottage, | 75 |
Cotton, | 77 |
Cotton-grass, | 78 |
Cough, | 79 |
Couhage, | 83 |
Country-Houses, (with a Cut), | ib. |
Cow, | 87 |
Cow-parsnip, | 89 |
Cowslip, | 90 |
Cow-wheat, | ib. |
Crab, in Fruit-trees, | 91 |
Crab-fish, | ib. |
Crab-tree, | ib. |
Crag, | 92 |
Cramp, | ib. |
Crane, | 93 |
Crane's-bill, | 95 |
Crape, | ib. |
Cream, | ib. |
Credit, | 96 |
Cress, | ib. |
Cricket, the Game, | 97 |
, the Common, | ib. |
Crop, | 98 |
Cross-wort, | 100 |
Croup, | ib. |
Crout, | 101 |
Crow, | ib. |
Crowfoot, | 102 |
Crow-net, | ib. |
Crying, | 103 |
Crystal, | 104 |
Crystallization, | ib. |
Cuckow, | 105 |
Cucumber, | ib. |
Cudweed, | 107 |
Curb, | 108 |
Curdling, | ib. |
Curing, | ib. |
Curlew, | ib. |
Currant-tree, | 109 |
Currying, | 110 |
, of Cattle, | ib. |
Cuttings, | 111 |
Cuttle-fish | 111 |
Cyder, | ib. |
Cyper-grass, | 115 |
Cypress, | 116 |
Dab, | ib. |
Dace, | ib. |
Daffodil, | 117 |
Dairy-house, | ib. |
Daisy, | 118 |
Dame-wort, | 119 |
Dancing, | ib. |
Dandelion, | 120 |
Darnel, | 121 |
Day, | ib. |
Dead-nettle, | 122 |
Dead-tops, | ib. |
Deafness, | ib. |
Deal, | 124 |
Death, | ib. |
Death-watch, | 126 |
Debility, | ib. |
Deciphering, | 128 |
Deed, | ib. |
Deer, | 129 |
Deformity, | ib. |
Dew, | ib. |
Dew-born, | ib. |
Diamond, | 131 |
Diarrhœa, | ib. |
Dibble, (with a Cut), | 132 |
Diet, | 134 |
Digester, | 137 |
Digestion, | ib. |
Dimness of Sight, | 138 |
Dinner, | ib. |
Discount, | 139 |
Disease, | ib. |
s of Plants, | 140 |
Distemper, | 141 |
Distilling, | 113 |
Distortion, | 145 |
Ditch, | 146 |
Dittany, | ib. |
Diuretics, | 147 |
Dock, | 148 |
Dodder, | 149 |
Dog, | 149 |
Dog-fly, | 152 |
Dog's-grass, | ib. |
Dog's-mercury, | 153 |
Dog-rose, | ib. |
Dog's-tail grass, | 154 |
Dog's violet, | ib. |
Dolphin, | ib. |
Door, | 155 |
Dough, | ib. |
Drag, (with a Cut), | 156 |
Dragon's-blood, | 157 |
Draining, (with several Cuts), | ib. |
Draught, | 165 |
Drawback, | ib. |
Draw-net, | 166 |
Drilling | ib. |
Drinking, | 182 |
Drone, | 183 |
Dropsy, | 184 |
Dropwort, | 185 |
Drowning, | ib. |
Drunkenness, | 193 |
Dry-rot, | 194 |
Duck, | 195 |
Duck's-meat, | 196 |
Duel, | ib. |
Dumbness, | 197 |
Dung, | 198 |
Dwarf-trees, | 199 |
Dyeing | 200 |
Dyer's-green-weed, | 209 |
Dyer's-weed, | ib. |
Dysentery, | 210 |
Eagle, | 211 |
Ear, | ib. |
Ear-wig, | 212 |
Earth, | 213 |
Earth-banks, | ib. |
Earth-nut, | 214 |
Earthquake, | ib. |
Earth-worm, | 215 |
Eau-de-luce, | ib. |
Ebony, | 216 |
Economy, | ib. |
Education, | ib. |
Eel, | 217 |
Egg, | ib. |
Elder, | 218 |
Elecampane, | 219 |
Electricity, | 220 |
Electuary, | 221 |
Elephant, | ib. |
Elm-tree, | 222 |
Elocution, | 223 |
Embroidery, | ib. |
Emerald, | 224 |
Emery, | ib. |
Emetics, | 225 |
Emollients, | 226 |
Emulsion, | ib. |
Enamel, | 227 |
Encyclopædia, | ib. |
Engrafting, | 229 |
Enriching Plants, | 230 |
Epidemic, | 231 |
Epilepsy, | ib. |
Epsom Salt, | 232 |
Eryngo, | ib. |
Eschallot, | 233 |
Espaliers, | ib. |
Essence, | 234 |
Ether, | 235 |
Euphorbium, | ib. |
Evacuation, | ib. |
Evaporation | 236 |
Evening, | ib. |
Evergreens, | 237 |
Exchange, | ib. |
Excoriation, | 238 |
Excretion, | ib. |
Exercise, | 239 |
Exhalation, | 240 |
Exotic, | 241 |
Expectorants, | ib. |
Extracts, | 242 |
Extravasation, | ib. |
Eye, | 243 |
Eye-bright, | 246 |
Face, | ib. |
Faggot, | ib. |
Fair, | 247 |
Falcon, | 247 |
Fall, | ib. |
Fallowing, | 248 |
Fan, | 249 |
Farcy, | ib. |
Farm, | ib. |
House, | 252 |
Farriery, | 253 |
Fasel-nut, | ib. |
Fashion, | 254 |
Fasts, or Fasting, | ib. |
Fat, | ib. |
Fattening of Colours, | 255 |
Feather, | ib. |
Felt, | 256 |
Fen, | ib. |
Fence, | ib. |
Fennel, | 257 |
Fenugreek, | 258 |
Fermentation, | ib. |
Fermented Liquors, | 260 |
Fern, the Female, | 261 |
the Male, | 262 |
Ferret, | ib. |
Fescue-grass, | 263 |
Fever, | 264 |
Fever-few, | 270 |
Fever-powders, | ib. |
Field, | 271 |
Fig-tree, | 272 |
Fig-wort, | 274 |
File, | ib. |
Filtration, (with two Cuts), | ib. |
Finch, | 278 |
Fir-tree, | ib. |
Fire, | 280 |
Fire-arms, | 286 |
Fire-cocks, | ib. |
Fire-escape, | ib. |
Fire-irons, | 288 |
Fire-place, (with five Cuts), | ib. |
Fire-proof, | 292 |
Firing-iron, | 293 |
Firkin, | ib. |
Fish, | ib. |
Fishing, | 294 |
Fish-ponds, | 295 |
Fistula, | 296 |
Fixed Air, | 297 |
Flag, | 299 |
Flannel, | ib. |
Flatulency, | 300 |
Flax, | 301 |
Flax, the Toad, | 303 |
Flea, | 304 |
Flea-bane, | ib. |
Flesh-meat, | 305 |
Fleuk-worm, | 306 |
Flint, | ib. |
Floor, | ib. |
Flounder, | 307 |
Flour, | ib. |
Flower, | 309 |
Flower-de-Luce, | 312 |
Fluellin, | 313 |
Flummery, | ib. |
Flute, | ib. |
Flux, | ib. |
, of Sap-flow, | 314 |
Fly, | ib. |
Fly-blown, | 315 |
Fly, the Catch, | 316 |
Fly, the Spanish, | ib. |
Fly-struck, | ib. |
Fodder, | 317 |
Fog, | ib. |
Fomentation, | 318 |
Food, | ib. |
of Plants, | 320 |
Fool's Farsley, | 321 |
Foot, | ib. |
Foot-halt, | 322 |
Foot-rot, | 323 |
Forcing, | 324 |
Forest, | 325 |
Forestalling, | ib. |
Fossil Alkali, | 326 |
Fossil Coal, | 327 |
Fossil Pitch, | 328 |
Foul, | ib. |
Foundered, | 329 |
Fox, | ib. |
Fox-glove, | 330 |
Fox-tail-grass, | 331 |
Fractures | ib. |
Freckles, | 332 |
French Mercury, | 333 |
Friction, | ib. |
Frog, | ib. |
Frost, | 334 |
Fruit-trees, | 338 |
Frumenty, | 342 |
Frush, | ib. |
Fuel, | 343 |
Fuller's Earth, | 344 |
Fulling, | 345 |
Fumigation, | ib. |
Fumitory, | 346 |
Funeral Rites, | ib. |
Fur, | 347 |
Furnace, | ib. |
Furrow, | 350 |
Furze, | 351 |
Fustic, | 352 |
Gad-fly, | 353 |
Galbanum, | ib. |
Gale, | 354 |
Gall, | ib. |
in Sheep, | 355 |
Galling, | ib. |
Gallon, | ib. |
Galvanism, | ib. |
Gamboge, | 359 |
Game, in general, | ib. |
Game, among Sportsmen, | 360 |
Gaming, | ib. |
Gangrene, | 361 |
Garden, | 362 |
Garget, | 363 |
Gargil, | 364 |
Gargle, | ib. |
Gargut, | ib. |
Garlic, | 365 |
Garter, | 366 |
Gauze, | ib. |
Gem, | 367 |
Generation, | ib. |
Gentian, | 368 |
Germander, | 368 |
, the Wild, | 369 |
Gid, | ib. |
Gilding, | ib. |
Gilead, | 370 |
Gin, | ib. |
Ginger, | 371 |
Ginseng, | 372 |
Glanders, | ib. |
Glass, | 373 |
Glauber's-Salt, | 375 |
Glazing, | ib. |
Gleaning, | 377 |
Glove, | 378 |
Glow-worm, | ib. |
Glue, | ib. |
Gnat, | 379 |
Goat, | 380 |
Goat's-beard, | 381 |
Gold, | ib. |
Golden-rod, | 383 |
Goldfinch, | ib. |
Gold-fish, | ib. |
Gold-of-Pleasure, | 384. |
Goose, | ib. |
Gooseberry, | 385 |
Goose-foot, | 386 |
Goose-grass, | 387 |
Gourd, | 388 |
Gout, | 389 |
Gout-weed, | 391 |
Grain, | 392 |
Grains, | ib. |
Granary, | ib. |
Granate, | 394 |
Granite, | ib. |
Granulation, | 395 |
Grapes, | ib. |
Grass, | ib. |
Grass-hoppers, | 397 |
Grass-wrack, | 398 |
Grates, | ib. |
Gravel, | 399 |
Gravel, in Medicine, | ib. |
Gravelling, | 400 |
Grease, in Horses, | ib. |
Grease of Animals, | 401 |
Green, | 401 |
Green-finch, | 402 |
Green-house, | ib. |
Green Sickness, | 403 |
Greyhound, | 404 |
Grief, | 405 |
Gripes, | ib. |
Gromwell, | 407 |
Ground-ivy, | ib. |
Ground-nuts, | 408 |
Ground-pine, | ib. |
Groundsel, | ib. |
Grouse, | ib. |
Grove, | 409 |
Grub, | ib. |
Grubbing, | ib. |
Guaiacum, | 410 |
Gudgeon, | ib. |
Guelder-rose, | 411 |
Guinea, | ib. |
Guinea-grass, | 412 |
Guinea-hen, | ib. |
Guinea-pig, | ib. |
Gull, | 413 |
Gullet, | ib. |
Gum, | 414 |
Gum-secretion, | 415 |
Gum-boil, | 416 |
Gums, | ib. |
Gun, | 417 |
Gunpowder, | ib. |
Gutta Serena, | 418 |
Gutters, | 419 |
Gypsum, | ib. |
Haddock, | 421 |
Hail, | 422 |
Hair, | ib. |
Hair-grass, | 424 |
Hair-powder, | 425 |
Halter-cast, | ib. |
Halting, | ib. |
Ham, | 426 |
Hand, | 427 |
Hare, | ib. |
Harrowgate-waters, | 428 |
Harrow, (with Cuts), | 429 |
Hartfell-water | 435 |
Harts' horns, | ib. |
Hat, | 436 |
Hatching, | 437 |
Haulm, | 438 |
Haw, | ib. |
Hawk, | 439 |
Hawk-weed, | ib. |
Hawthorn, | 440 |
Hay, | ib. |
Hays, | 445 |
Hazel-nut-tree, | ib. |
Head | 446 |
Head-ach, | ib. |
Health, | 447 |
Hearing, | 448 |
Heart, | ib. |
Heart-burn, | ib. |
Heart's-ease, | 449 |
Heat, | ib. |
Heath, the Common | 450 |
Heath, the Berry-bearing, | ib. |
Hectic Fever, | ib. |
Hedge, | 451 |
Hedge-hog, | 453 |
Hellebore, | 454 |
Hemlock, the Common, | ib. |
Hemlock, the Water, | 455 |
Hemlock, the Long-leaved, | ib. |
Hemp, | ib. |
Hen, | 457 |
Henbane, | 458 |
Hen-harrier, | 459 |
Hen-mould-soil, | ib. |
Hentings, | ib. |
Hepatic Aloe, | ib. |
Herb, | 460 |
Herbal, | ib. |
Herb-Paris, | 461 |
Herb-Robert, | 462 |
Heron, | ib. |
Herring, | ib. |
Hiccough, | 463 |
Hide, | 464 |
Hide-bound, | 465 |
Highway, | ib. |
Hoarseness, | ib. |
Hoe, (with three Cuts), | 466 |
Hoeing, | 468 |
Hog, | 469 |
Holly, | 471 |
Hollyhock, | 472 |
Honey, | ib. |
Honey-dew, | 473 |
Honey-suckle, | 473 |
Hoof, | ib. |
Hoof-boney, | ib. |
Hoof-bound, | 475 |
Hoof-brittle, | 476 |
Hoof-casting, | ib. |
Hoof-hurt, | ib. |
Hop, | ib. |
Horehound, the White, | 478 |
Horehound, the Black, | 478 |
Horehound, the Water, | 479 |
Horn, | ib. |
Horn-beam, | ib. |
Horn-distemper, | 480 |
Hornet, | ib. |
Horse, | 481 |
Horse-bread, | 486 |
Horse-chesnut, | 487 |
Horse-fly, | 488 |
Horse-Medicines, | ib. |
Horse-radish, | 492 |
Horse-shoe-head, | ib. |
Horse-tail, | ib. |
Hospital, | 493 |
Hot-bed, | ib. |
Hot-house, | 494 |
Hound, | 496 |
Hound's-tongue, | ib. |
Hour, | 497 |
Hour-glass, | ib. |
House, | ib. |
House-leek, | 498 |
Hunger, | ib. |
Hunting, | 499 |
Husbandry, | 500 |
Hyacinth, | 501 |
Hydrometer, | ib. |
Hykes, | 502 |
Hypochondriac Affection, | ib. |
Hyssop, | 503 |
Hysterics, | ib. |
Jack, (with a Cut), | 504 |
Jack-daw, | 505 |
Jalap, | ib. |
Japanning, | 506 |
Jasmine, | ib. |
Jaundice, | 507 |
Jaw, | 508 |
Jay, | 509 |
Ice, | ib. |
Jelly, | 512 |
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