SPARROW, the Common, or Domestic, Fringilla domestica, L. a well-known bird, which abounds in Britain, particularly in the vicinity of villages and towns.
Sparrows construct their nest beneath the eaves, and in the holes of walls, roofs, especially in those of willow-trees, where they lay five or six eggs of a pale-reddish colour, spotted with brown. These birds are very crafty, and voracious; committing great depredations in corn-fields, where they partake of every species of grain: on the other hand, they are also useful, by devouring numerous worms, insects, and particularly the green caterpillar. But, in situations where sparrows are very troublesome from their numbers, they may be easily taken, by constructing a trap of unpeeled oziers, about two feet in diameter, nine inches deep; and resembling in its form a fish-pot. The tunnel is somewhat dished, having an inverted cone in the centre, which extends to within the space of one inch from the bottom of such basket; the opening, formed by the points of the twigs, being an inch in diameter. This trap must be baited with wheat, or other grain; and, when the birds have entered through the internal aperture of the cone, they cannot escape.
For the protection of fields, gardens, and especially of wall-fruit, from these predatory birds, we can suggest the following expedient. Slips or pieces of spangle-metal (plate-foil) six inches long, and three broad, should be suspended on long poles by means of strings, about half a yard in length, and fastened to the top: by the agitation of the wind, they will occasion a continual crackling noise, which is so terrifying to sparrows, that they will not venture to approach the vicinity of such scare-crows: in fields, however, the latter ought to be placed at a distance of about 12 or 15 yards square from each other.