SPA-WATER, a chalybeate mineral fluid, which arises from numerous springs, and particularly from that of Pouhon, in the vicinity of Spa, in Flanders.
This liquid, when first drunk, possesses the remarkable property of inducing a slight degree of intoxication. It is preferable to common water; as it more effectually allays thirst, especially in febrile complaints, which are accompanied with foulness and dryness of the throat and fauces: it is also very refreshing, after the stomach has been debilitated by excess, or intemperance.
The Spa-water affords relief in numerous complaints, especially those of the alimentary canal; in diarrhœa, and other obstruftions; as it restores the healthy action of the parts, while it promotes the usual secretions.
The dose varies according to the age and strength of the patient: it, however, seldom exceeds half a pint, which is repeated three or four times, in the course of the day. But, if the water be taken with a view to produce laxative effects, it will be proper to conjoin it with small portions of Rochelle salt, or similar gentle aperients.