RIDGES, in agriculture, are long but narrow tracts ot rising soil, that intervene between two furrows.
Ploughing in ridges, is chiefly practised on wet lands; in order that the water may discharge itself into the furrows, and be thence conveyed by means of drains, or ditches, into some brook or rivulet. If the soil be deep, such ridges should be narrow; but, in shallow situations, they should be made broader; and, as the best or richest mould is collected in the tops, or crowns, it will be advisable to manure the sides; which, being necessarily rendered poor, would otherwise produce indifferent crops. Thus, the ground will become nearly of equal fertility, so long as the ameliorating properties of the dung or compost remain.
Great attention, however, is requisite, in forming ridges where the land is on a considerable declivity; for if they be too steep, a heavy shower of rain would produce irreparable mischief. To obviate such accidents, they should, if practicable, be directed both north and south, so as to be on a gentle slope; and thus gradually to carry off the water. By such method, crops (the seed of which has been sown on the east and west sides) will be alike exposed to the enlivening rays of the sun, and consequently about the same time attain to maturity.—See also Furrow and Ploughing.