< Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)

PRIVET, Prim, or Print; Ligustrum vulgare, L.; an indigenous shrub, growing on rocks in the most exposed situations towards the Western Sea, and flowering in the months of June and July.

The Privet may be easily propagated by seed, layers, or by cuttings: being a hardy plant of quick growth, it is usefully employed in making hedges. It attains the height of from ten to fifteen feet; is adorned with oblong leaves, and bears black berries containing a violet pulp, which ripens in October. Its juice, when mixed with a solution of any acid salt, affords a black; with Glauber's salt, and spirit of sal ammoniac, a red; with urine, a purplish; and, with vitriol of iron, a green colour.—On steeping these berries in a solution of salt of tartar, they yield a fine blue juice, the shade of which may be rendered still brighter by adding quick-lime.—Weissmann, the author of the "Franconian Collections" (in German, vol. i. p. 312), conjectures that the incomparably black ink of Tragus, was prepared from these berries, combined with oil of vitriol.—With the addition of alum, this fruit is said to impart to wool and silk a good and durable green colour; but, for this purpose, the berries should be gathered as soon as they are ripe. The purple colour upon cards is likewise prepared from their juice.—The kernels contained in these berries, produce by expression an excellent oil. The wood serves both as fuel, and for the smaller objects of turnery, but especially for pegs, as it is uncommonly firm.—The branches of this shrub are useful for wicker-work, as well as for the finer kinds of baskets, on account of their great flexibility.—As this shrub is much frequented by the Spanish fly, we conceive it might with advantage be cultivated in the southern counties of Britain, for the purpose of collecting that valuable insect.—Oxen, goats, and sheep, eat the plant; but it is refused by horses.

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