LOAM, in agriculture, a species of earth, less cohesive than clay, but more compact than chalk.
There are several varieties of loam; the most common of which we shall enumerate.
1. The clayey, that is likewise called string, stiff, cold, and heavy loam: it consists of a mixture of clay and coarse sand; is distinguished by the name of Windsor loam, and is much used for making bricks, building furnaces, &c.
2. The chalky loam; the constituent parts of which are chalk, clay, and coarse sand.
3. The sandy loam, consisting of the same ingredients as the preceding kind, though the sand prevails in a larger proportion. The two latter varieties are frequently blended, and compose what is called a deep crumbly loam. This was formerly supposed to be unfit for vegetation, till it had been exposed for several years to the influence of the sun, air, frost, &c. Experience, however, has evinced the contrary; and it is certain, that though the vegetative powers of this barren earth (as some have disdainfully called it) remain latent for a longer time than in soils which have undergone a proper degree of fermentation; yet, after its surface is broken up and properly stirred, it will, at the expiration of one year, be well adapted to the production of crops.
A deep crumbly loam is particularly calculated for the growth of fruit-trees; and, if it be laid in ridges during one winter, and the succeeding summer, it will afford ample nourishment to such trees; even though it should have been turned up from the depth of 6 feet in the ground.