LAYERS, in horticulture, denote certain tender shoots or sprigs of trees, which are buried or deposited in the ground, till they have taken root; when they are separated from the parent stock, and become distinct plants.
The method of propagating trees by layers, is performed in the following manner: A small cut or slit is first to be made in the branches, which should then be laid about half a foot deep, in light, rich mould, and gently watered; but, if they do not retain the position in which they were placed, it will be necessary to fasten them down with wooden hooks.
The best season for propagating layers is, for evergreens, towards the end of August; and for deciduous trees, in the beginning of February: after having taken root, they may be separated from the parent stock, and planted out in the succeeding winter. Some horticulturists, however, recommend stripping off the rind or bark; others direct the branch to be twisted, previously to setting it in the ground; but these operations are not essentially requisite, as the layers will flourish, if proper attention be paid, to water them regularly during their early growth.