< Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)

KITCHEN-GARDEN, a piece of ground laid out for the cultivation of fruit, herbs, pulse, and other culinary vegetables.

A kitchen-garden ought to be situated on one side of the house, adjoining to the stable, whence the dung may be easily conveyed into the inclosure. As soon as the wall is built, Miller directs a border to be formed beneath it, from 8 to 10 feet in breadth, on which, if in a southern aspect, the earlier plants may be raised. On those borders which are exposed to the north, some late crops may be obtained; but no pease, beans, or other deep-rooted plants, should be set too near the fruit-trees.

The ground is next to be divided into quarters, the size of which ought to be proportioned to the extent of the garden: because, if these divisions be too small, the soil will be wasted in walks; and as the quarters are generally inclosed by espaliers of fruit-trees, the vegetables which may be planted there, will not thrive for want of sufficient exposure. The walks should, therefore, be proportioned to the size of the ground; and in a small garden, they ought not to exceed 8 feet; or, if it be a large one, from 12 to 14 feet in breadth. It will also be advisable to place a border, 3 or 4 feet wide, between such walk and the espalier, in which may be sown small salads, or any similar vegetables, that do not take deep root, or continue long in the ground. These quarters, however, ought not to be planted, or sown, for raising the same crops two successive years; and the warmest soil, or that which is next to the stable, where it is best sheltered from the cold winds, will be the most proper for hot-beds, to promote the growth of early cucumbers, melons, &c.—The most important points in this, as well as every other branch of horticulture, consist in digging and manuring the land well; in allowing a proper distance to each plant, according to its different growth; and, particularly, in eradicating all weeds; an object that will be considerably facilitated by continually extirpating them from the dunghill; as, otherwise, their seeds or roots will be constantly introduced into the garden, and propagated with the manure.

Another circumstance of equal importance, is the watering of gardens, for which the implements commonly employed appear to be very inadequate. The filling, and carrying, of these vessels to the spot where they are to be used, are attended with great labour and loss of time. To remedy these inconveniencies, different machines have been invented: one of the most ingenious and useful, is that contrived by M. Sylvestre, and of which the following is an accurate representation:

Domestic Encyclopedia 1802 vol3 p068.jpg

It consists simply of a cask, capable of holding a sufficient quantity of water, for the purpose of irrigating the garden. The hinder part of this vessel is furnished with a cock that communicates with the watering pipes, and the cask is supported on a strong frame, with one or two wheels, calculated for walks about 18 inches wide. The carriage may be drawn by a mule or an ass, and requires a person to guide the animal; to support the vessel when it is liable to be overturned; and to open and shut the cock as often as is necessary. Thus, one man will be able to water a considerable space of ground in a short time, and to sprinkle that fertilizing fluid in an equable and regular manner.

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