KALE, the Sea, or Crambe, L. a genus of perennial plants comprising three species, one of which is a native of Britain, namely, the maritima, Cliff-kale, Sea-cabbage, or Sea Colewort. It grows on sandy soils, near the sea-coast, and flowers in the months of May and June.—This plant is relished by horses, cows, goats, hogs, and sheep. Its young and tender leaves are boiled and eaten as cabbage; but, when full grown, they frequently occasion giddiness.
The sea-kale is cultivated in many gardens as an esculent vegetable. It is also reared in pleasure-grounds, as a flowering perennial; because the stalks divide into fine branching heads of flowers. For either purpose, it is propagated by seeds, sown in autumn or spring in any common light soil, in which the plants are intended to remain. At the end of two years, they will produce shoots fit for use, and multiply exceedingly by the roots, which continue for many seasons.