IVY, the Common, or Hedera Helix, L. a native plant, growing in woods, hedges, and about old buildings: it flowers in the mouth of October.
This plant was first brought to Europe from Canada, and has been long cuhivated in the British gardens, chiefly for the purpose of covering walls or buildings. It shoots almost 20 feet in one year, and gradually extends to the top of the highest building. It is easily propagated in autumn, by its trailing branches; and will thrive in almost any soil or situation; so that in the following October it is fit to be transplanted to those places where it is destined to remain.
The leaves of ivy possess a nauseous taste, though in Germany they are employed as a specific in the atrophy of children. Among the lower class of people in England, they are applied to issues; and the Scotch Highlanders prepare an ointment from the leaves, which is much esteemed for the cure of burns.—The berries are of a fine gold colour, and possess a slight degree of acidity: when swallowed by children or adults, they occasion vomiting, diarrhœa, and profuse sweating.—The roots of this plant are employed by leather-cutters to whet their knives.—Böhmer informs us, that both the leaves and branches are useful in tanning.—Apricots and peaches, when covered with ivy during the month of February, have been observed to bear abundant fruit.—Horses and sheep eat the common ivy, but it is totally refused by cows and goats.