INARCHING, in gardening, is a method of engrafting, denominated grafting by approach; and is employed when the stock intended to graft on, and the tree from which the scion is to be taken, are situated so near that they may be easily joined.
This operation is performed in the month of April or May, in the following simple manner: The branch designed to be inarched, is exactly fitted to that part of the stock with which it is to be united, after having previously pared away the rind and wood on one side of both the stock and branch, about the length of three inches, that they may uniformly combine, and thus promote the circulation of the juices. A little tongue is then cut upwards in the graft, and a notch made in the stock for inserting it; so that when they are joined, the tongue will prevent their slipping, and the graft more closely adhere to the stock. They are next tied with some bass, or worsted; and, to exclude the air from the wounded part, it is covered over with grafting clay. Lastly, both the graft and stock are fastened to a smooth and proportionate stake, which is driven into the ground, in order to withstand the effects of high winds, that would otherwise displace them. After having remained in this situation about four months, they will be sufficiently combined, and the graft may then be separated from the mother-tree; sloping it close to the stock, and laying fresh clay around the wounded part.
Inarching is chiefly practised with oranges, myrtles, jasmines, walnuts, firs, &c. which do not flourish by the common mode of engrafting. It ought, however, on no account to be performed on such orange trees as are designed to grow to a considerable size; for they seldom live long after this operation.