GAME, in general, denotes any sport or diversion that is performed with regularity, and subject to certain rules.
Games are usually divided into those of exercise, such as leaping, playing it tennis, &c.; and into those of hazard, such as back-gammon, &c. which latter ought, in justice to the persons addicted to them, to be completely abolished.
Having already treated of the more active games, under the article Exercise, we shall at present only point out such as are peculiarly detrimental to the health of children.
1. Bending of the head backwards should be carefully avoided, to prevent young people from tumbling over: besides, the muscles of the abdomen become thus unnaturally extended, and frequently dispose such hazardous adventurers to ruptures.
2. Jumping wantonly from, or to, a considerable height, ought to be either prohibited, or undertaken with the greatest caution, in order to avoid violent concussion, and sudden tension of the muscles. The juvenile sportsmen should, therefore, be taught to make such exertions with their knees somewhat inflected, as to reach the ground first on the points of the toes, and then gradually to drop on the soles of the feet.
3. Children are uncommonly fond of displaying their dexterity in lifting one another, and even weights far superior to their strength; a practice that ought to be seriously discouraged: for, while they are in such postures, every nerve is necessarily strained; respiration is impeded; and dangerous accidents may ensue.
4. All partial exercise tends to give the body a crooked form, and should therefore be allowed only at certain times, and with moderation; as, under these restrictions, it is even salutary; but, if continued to excess, it is attended with the most injurious effects. Hence it would be a judicious measure to teach youth, at an early period, the use of both arms alike, and to make them acquainted with such games as contribute to that purpose.
5. Sedentary diversions, and long standing, are extremely prejudicial to the straight growth of children; for, as the spinal column and legs are too feeble to support the additional weight of the reclining part of the frame, the vertebræ yield to one side, and often occasion incurable distortions.
If these precautions were more strictly observed, and both male and female children instructed to beware of dangerous postures and leaps, as well as of raising and carrying heavy burthens, how many fatal accidents might be avoided! Yet, we are by no means advocates for rendering them unnecessarily timid. There is a medium, which every prudent guardian will easily discover; and to this we would call the attention of parents—happy, if we could thus add our mite ards introducing more rational, and less hazardous practices.