FROG, or Rana, L. a genus of amphibious reptiles, consisting of 17 species, the most remarkable of which are;
1. The temporaria, or Common Frog, which is an animal so well known as to render any description unnecessary.—Some of its properties, however, are very singular: its power of leaping is extraordinary, and it swims better than any other quadruped. Its body is naked, and without any tail: the fore limbs are very lightly made, while the hind legs and thighs are remarkably long, and furnished with strong muscles. As soon as the spawn is vivified, the future frog becomes a tadpole, in which state it is wholly a water-animal; but as soon as it is changed into a frog, and attains its proper shape, it immediately migrates to the shore.
These animals adhere closely to the backs of their own species, as well as to those of fishes. It has been remarked that they will even destroy pike; and it is certain that they materially injure carp, by fixing their hind-legs to the back of those fish, while their fore-legs are fastened to the corner of each eye; so that the carp become much exhausted, and frequently sink under the weight of so disagreeable a companion.—See Fumitory.
2. The esculenta, or Eatable Frog, differs from the former species, only in having an high protuberanee in the middle of the back, which forms an acute angle. Its colours likewise are more vivid, and its marks more distinct, the ground colour being a pale or yellowish green, marked with rows of black spots from the head to the rump.—Both this and the preceding species are, according to Mr. Pennant, used as food, though rarely in this country.