FLATULENCY, a very common disorder, arising from vapours generated in the stomach and intestines. It occasions distensions, disagreeable sensations, and frequently a considerable degree of pain.
Sedentary persons, and those who are of a delicate constitution, especially women, are very liable to attacks of this complaint, which is generally induced by the eating of peas, beans, and other leguminous food. Animal fats, especially those of mutton and veal, if immoderately used, with large draughts of liquor immediately after eating them, are apt to turn rancid on the stomach, and to be accompanied with flatulency. The drinking of turbid or feculent liquors, whether new or old, as well as excessive potations of hot tea, produce a similar effect. The habit of the patient likewise contributes towards the generation of these causes; so that in phlegmatic constitutions, where the bowels are of a dry and costive disposition, this complaint is most frequent and painful.
The general method of treating flatulency consists in administering hot aromatics, which, however, ought to be taken with great caution, as they often irritate rather than relieve the parts affected.—The poorer class, who are subject to flatulency, usually have recourse to drams, low wines, or punch—remedies which are extremely improper; and, though they afford a temporary relief, eventually impair the appetite and constitution.
The safest mode of treatment is, to keep the bowels gently open by means of clysters, prepared of half a pint of mutton-broth, in which half an ounce of caraway-seeds has been boiled, adding two spoonfuls of sweet-oil, and one of soft sugar; which should be repeated three or four times in twenty-four hours. During the intermediate days, gentle laxatives, consisting of single drams of vitriolated tartar, dissolved in one ounce of cinnamon water, may be taken every three hours, till they produce the desired effect, in order to attenuate the viscous matter in the bowels.—See also Colic, p. 32.
But if the paroxysms of flatulency be violent, and accompanied with vomiting and other distressing symptoms, so that neither absorbents nor carminatives relieve the patient, we are informed by Dr. Reich, that great and immediate benefit has been derived from his method of extracting the air from the bowels, by means of a common clystering syringe; or, still more effectually, by the machine of which we have given a short account in our first vol. p. 22.—This useful instrument, we understand, is manufacfured by George Göring, an ingenious turner of Fürth, a town in Franconia, who sells it at a price of from 10s. to 18s.