< Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)

ESCHALLOT, or Shallot, Allium Ascalonicum, L. is a native of Palestine, whence it has been introduced into our kitchen gardens. It is raised from suckers, which are set about the end of February, in beds or furrows, at the distance of about three inches from each other. Towards the end of June, the stems are tied up; and, in the course of another month, the plants are pulled out of the earth; when they are exposed to the air to dry, ana afterwards preserved in some dry airy place.

The roots of the eschallot are very pungent; have a strong but pleasing smell, and are preferred to onions, as ingredients in highly-flavoured soups and gravies. They are also pickled, in which state considerable quantities are consumed in the East Indies.

This plant, when mixed with vinegar, rice, and honey, is said to be serviceable against the bite of a mad dog: we doubt, however, the efficacy and propriety of such an application. It is also recommended as an excellent cephalic, especially when inhaled through the nostrils; but its most beneficial properties are those of creating an appetite, and expelling foul air.

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