< Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)

ERYNGO, or Sea-holly, Eryngium, L. a genus of plants, consisting of eleven species, two of which are natives of this country, viz.

1. The maritimum, or Sea-eryngo, which is perennial, grows on the sea-shore, strikes its roots 20 feet deep into the soil, and flowers in the month of July or August.

2. The campestre, or Field-eryngo, which is also perennial, grows chiefly near the sea-side, and likewise flowers in the month of July or August.

Both species possess the same properties; the leaves being somewhat sweet, and having an aromatic warmth or pungency. The sea-eryngo, however, is much stronger than the latter species.—The young, flowering shoots, when boiled, have the flavour of asparagus, and are an wholesome and nutritious summer food. The roots of the first species are principally directed for medical use: they possess no remarkable smell; but, when chewed, have a pleasing, and somewhat aromatic sweetness. Boerhaave considered this plant as one of the principal aperients, and he usually prescribed it as a diuretic and antiscorbutic: at present, however, the roots only are candied, and preserved as sweet-meats: those of the second species are thick, pulpy, sweet and nourishing, on which account the Germans boil and eat them as a culinary vegetable.—See Hectic.

In dyeing, these plants afford but an indifferent yellowish brown colour: hence they are, according to M. Meyer, of Prague, more advantageously employed in that city for extracting soda, or mineral alkali.

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