CROUP, a violent inflammation of the throat in children under twelve years of age, prevalent chiefly on the sea-coast, in cold and wet seasons. It is attended with a peculiar croaking sound of the voice; a sense of straitness about the throat, difficult breathing, and fever.
If the croup be not speedily relieved, it obstructs the passage of the air, and suffocates the patient. Hence the legs ought to be immersed in warm water, and afterwards mustard with vinegar, or horse-radish, applied to the soles of the feet, the neck, or between the shoulders. Laxative clysters should also be administered, without delay (see Clyster, p. 14); and the child be kept cool rather than warm, and receive no other but vegetable food and diluent, slightly acidulated, drink. No medicines can with safety be given internally, without medical advice; but a dram of asafœtida, camphor, or a few spoonfuls of the expressed juice of garlic, may be dissolved in each injection, which should be repeated every four or six hours.
Those who are peculiarly liable to attacks of this dangerous disease, ought to avoid all crude, hard, viscid, and heating food, especially salted and pickled provisions. Unripe fruits are particularly injurious. As an effectual preventive, Dr. Buchan advises a large plaster of Burgundy-pitch to be worn for several years, between the shoulders: also, constant setons or issues; of which latter, however, we by no means approve.