COLUMBO-ROOT, or Colomba-Root, an article lately introduced into medicine, chiefly by Dr. Percival. The natural history of the tree, from which we obtain it, is but imperfectly known: it grows near the town of Columbo, in the island of Ceylon. The most active part of the root is its bark, which is imported in circular pieces, consisting of a cortical, woody, and medullary lamina, and having a rough surface. It has an aromatic odour, but a disagreeably bitter, and somewhat pungent taste. It is possessed of antiseptic properties, and has been found efficacious in correcting and preventing the acrimony of bile.
The Columbo-root is much used abroad in diseases attended with bilious symptoms, and in an impaired state of digestion. It has a remarkable tendency to restrain the fermentation of alimentary matter, without affecting the stomach; a property in which it resembles mustard. Nor is it attended with any heating effect, and may therefore be advantageously taken in pulmonary consumption, and other hectical cases, both with a view to correct acrimony, and strengthen the digestive organs. Farther, it does not rise on the stomach, and agrees well with a milk-diet, as it abates flatulence, and is totally divested of acidity. Hence, we regret that this valuable drug is not regularly imported; and that it is frequently found either in a very decayed, or adulterated state.—The common dose is from ten to fifteen grains, every three or four hours, for adults; and from two to six grains, for children.