CEPHALIC, generally signifies whatever relates to the head. Hence these remedies that are given for disorders of that part, are denominated cephalic medicines. Under this description are comprehended cordials, and whatever tends to promote a free circulation of the blood through the brain: thus cephalic snuff is taken with a view to remove pains in the head, by occasioning the patient to sneeze, and, in this manner, perhaps, giving vent to obstructions in the smaller vessels. Such is the imperfect theory of cephalic medicines; and, strictly speaking, we are possessed of no specific remedy for relieving a common head-ach, unless the cause from which it proceed, can be ascertained. Of the multiplicity of circumstances which may operate, to produce that complaint, and likewise of the most proper means of alleviating it, we shall endeavour to convince the reader, under the article Head-ach.