< Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)

BED-ROOM, an apartment, or chamber, devoted to the enjoyment of nightly repose, after the usual labour and fatigue of the day. Those happy few who, from their respective situations in life, are enabled to choose a spacious and lofty room for breathing in, at least, one-third of their existence, may consider themselves peculiarly fortunate. It must, however, be confessed, that little attention is generally paid to this important object, even by such persons as might, in this respect, equally consult their health and convenience.

A bed-chamber ought never to be on a ground-floor, or have a northern aspect. Although, on account of a cooler air, many prefer this situation in summer, yet it cannot fail to be unwholesome, as it is most exposed to the influence of a damp atmosphere in the morning, and during the night. Hence we are of opinion, that an eastern front is more conducive to health; because it receives the first rays of the sun, that beneficent luminary, who, more regularly than a time-piece, awakens the man of a sound body and mind, while he animates, invigorates, and incites him to rise, after having refreshed himself by repose. Besides, a moderate degree of heat, thus naturally imparted, may be more easily endured, and modified, if necessary, by various means, than a moist and pernicious atmosphere, which even the dry air of summer cannot easily correct.

For similar reasons, small closets and concealed beds are extremely injurious, especially to young people and invalids. When persons are from necessity obliged to sleep in them, it will be advisable every morning, immediately after rising, to displace all the bed-clothes; if the sky be serene, to open the door and windows in order to purify the stagnant air of so confined a resting place: but we think it, on the whole, a dangerous practice to sleep with open windows, whether at night, or in the day-time; though a very small aperture, without admitting a current of air to pass through the room, may occasionally be useful. Nor should the bedstead be placed near a wall; or soiled linen be suffered to remain in an apartment where the purity of the air is of the first importance. A bed, or couch, ought to stand free on all its sides, and, if possible, in the middle of the chamber: which is farther of consequence to timid individuals, who tremble during the prevalence of a tempest, or thunder-storm. We know from experience, that a flash of lightning, should it unfortunately strike a building, or enter through any of the windows, uniformly takes its direction along the walls, without injuring the furniture in the centre of a room.

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