ABDOMEN, or the lower belly, is one of the most important regions of the human body, not only on account of its various contents, but also from its exposed situation.
Although, to give a strictly anatomical description of the different parts composing the admirable fabric of the animal frame, is not consistent with the plan of this work, yet, where the welfare and safety of the body are essentially concerned, we propose to add a distinct explanation of the organs liable to injury, and, occasionally, to point out their proper management in a healthy state, together with a few hints for treating complaints, the source of which is frequently not suspected.
The abdomen extends, longitudinally, from that cavity, or hollow, which is usually called the pit of the stomach, to the lower part of the trunk: it is defended, in front, by the abdominal muscles; behind, by the vertebræ of the back; and, on both sides, by the false ribs.
Instead of perplexing the reader with a minute account of the three regions, into which the lower belly is divided by anatomists, namely, the upper, or epigastric; the middle, or umbilical; and the lower, or hypogastric region; we shall rather proceed to examine their different contents.
In the first place, it deserves to be remarked, that the whole intestinal canal forms one continued tube, of greater or less capacity, beginning with the stomach, and terminating at the anus. This canal is, generally, six times the length of the whole human subject, in proportion to the person's stature, and is by Nature divided into two distinct parts; namely, the anterior, or uppermost, that is next to the stomach, comprizing what are called the thin, or small intestines, which fill the middle, or fore parts, of the belly; and the posterior, or lowermost, where we find the large intestines occupying the sides, and both the upper and lower parts of that cavity. The former are again divided into the duodenum, or twelve-inch gut; the jejunum, or empty gut, and the ileum, or crooked gut; and the latter, or larger portion, into the cæcum, or blind gut; the colon, or hollow gut, being the largest of all the intestines; and the rectum, or the straight excretory gut, which terminates in the anus.
On opening the abdomen, we observe its viscera and intestines in the following situation: after having removed the skin and the muscles, we discover the peritoneum, or a membrane which envelopes all the viscera of the lower belly. This being divided, the omentum, or cawl, appears floating on the surface of the intestines, which are likewise seen in a moist and loose state, making numerous windings through the whole cavity. The viscera next present themselves in this order: on the uppermost part of the belly, namely, under the midriff, towards the middle, but rather inclining to the right side, lies the liver, and near its concave surface is the gall-bladder; somewhat to the left is the stomach, and laterally, contiguous to it, the spleen. The kidneys are placed about the middle of the lumbar region, or the loins, while the urinary bladder, and the parts of generation, are situated in the lower division of the belly; in that bony cavity which is denominated the pelvis, or bason, and the sides of which form what are commonly called hips.
The situation of these parts, however, in a natural state, frequently undergoes considerable variations, especially that of the liver, the stomach, and the spleen: and these deviations, being produced by various causes, as by a different posture of the whole body; distention of the stomach with an unusual quantity of food, either in a solid or liquid form; or, lastly, during pregnancy; hence it may be understood that, with every preternatural change of their respective positions, there may arise ruptures, spasmodic contractions, callosities, accumulations of water, called dropsy, and many similar complaints. To prevent such disastrous consequences, we cannot too strongly inculcate the necessity of observing strict temperance, particularly with respect to food, drink, and exercise. This proposition may be rendered more evident, by appealing to the experience of those Europeans, who have long resided in warm climates, and prudently restrained their sensual appetites; in consequence of which, they have seldom been attacked with diseases of the liver; an organ which cannot fail to become a prey to an irregular mode of living.
The intestines have certain general characters, though each of them manifests its pecularities. In the former respect, we find that they are all connected with the vertebræ, by means of the mesentery; that each of them consists of different membranes, the innermost coat of which terminates in the intestined canal itself, and forms semi-lunar valves, inclining towards each other, contracting the tube of that passage, and often appearing in several parts more numerous and conspicuous than in others. Each gut is, farther, provided with small glands, for the secretion of a viscid humour, and many small vessels for the absorption of certain fluids. Lastly, all intestines possess, in common, a certain creeping, called the peristaltic, or vermicular motion: which is occasioned by the contraction of their muscular fibres, operating in a spiral direction, or obliquely from the upper towards the lower parts; and they are thus liable to alternate contortions in their respective situations. This curious phenomenon may be clearly perceived for some time after death, and especially in an animal recently opened.
By inverting this motion of the stomach and bowels, an effect which may be produced by certain stimulating medicines, for instance, ipecacuanha, as well as by a local irritation of the fauces, it will be easily understood, that either nausea or vomiting will be the natural consequence, according to the different degrees of the stimulus applied.
The viscera of the abdomen are, in common with other parts of the body, liable to a variety of disorders; the most formidable of which, are those arising from inflammation.
An inflammation of the liver, hitherto supposed by the generality of physicians to be a very rare disease, has by a late French writer, M. Ferrein, been affirmed to be of all diseases the most frequent, and least understood. It often occasions other lasting and dangerous diseases; and, even when removed, unless proper precautions be observed, is liable to return. See the article Liver.
The usual symptoms of inflammations of the lower belly are, pain attended with fever; but these are by no means a necessary consequence; as in this, and other diseases of the Animal Economy, a slight degree of inflammation may prevail, unaccompanied either by febrile symptoms, or considerable pain. The mode of discovering the existence of inflammation is, to press with the tip of the finger on the seat of the complaint; and, if the viscera be inflamed, the pain will be increased in such manner, as when we touch a bruised or tender part. For the treatment of this dangerous affection, we must refer the reader to the article Inflammation.
In order to protect the tender parts we have now described, from external injury, every judicious person will admit the necessity of adopting such a dress, as is best calculated to answer this useful purpose. Hence, no whalebone, or other stays tightly laced, should be worn by women, nor high and straight waistbands be suffered to impede the free action of the bowels, either in boys or men. It is indeed unreasonable to expect, that the present generation can enjoy the ease and comforts of their less fashionable, more prudent, forefathers, so long as mankind continue to encourage those customs and habits, which almost every body deprecates, but which few have the resolution either to oppose or abandon.