YARINGTON, ROBERT (fl. 1601), dramatist, was author of ‘Two Lamentable Tragedies. The one of the murther of Maister Beech, A Chaundler in Thames-streete, and his boye, done by Thomas Merry. The other of a young childe murthered in a Wood by two Ruffins, with the consent of his Unckle. By Rob. Yarington. London. Printed for Mathew Lawe, and are to be solde at his Shop in Paules Churchyarde neere unto S. Austines Gate at the signe of the Foxe,’ 1601, 4to. Nothing has been discovered concerning Robert Yarington. In Henslowe's ‘Diary’ (ed. Collier, pp. 92–3) we find that in 1599 Haughton and Day wrote a tragedy called ‘The Tragedy of Thomas Merrye.’ This was clearly on the first subject of Yarington's play. The next entry in the ‘Diary’ refers to ‘The Orphanes Tragedy’ by Chettle, which was apparently never finished. This would seem to be the second subject of Yarington's play. Mr. Fleay conjectures that Rob. Yarington is a fictitious name, and that his play is an amalgamation of the two plays by Haughton, Day, and Chettle. Mr. A. H. Bullen republished the play with an introduction in ‘A Collection of Old English Plays’ (1885, vol. iv.).
[Bullen's Introduction discusses the literary qualities and affinities of the play; Fleay's Chronicle of the English Drama, ii. 285–6; Bullen's Introduction to Arden of Feversham, 1887.]