WULFHELM (d. 942), archbishop of Canterbury, succeeded Athelm [q. v.] as bishop of Wells, when Athelm was promoted to Canterbury in 914, and on the death of Athelm in 923 succeeded him in the primacy. He crowned Athelstan at Kingston in 924, and in or about 927 went to Rome for his pall. In the laws published at Greetanlea, or Grately, in Hampshire, Athelstan speaks of having had the counsel of Wulfhelm. His name is among those enrolled at Bishop Cynewold's request among the confraternity of St. Gall in 928. Adelard, a biographer of St. Dunstan, in saying that Dunstan stayed some time with Athelm, who was his uncle, and was introduced by him to Athelstan, probably confuses Athelm with Wulfhelm, for Athelm died before Dunstan's birth. Some extant verses, addressed to Wulfhelm, are believed to have been written by Dunstan. Wulfhelm died on 12 Feb. 942.
[A.-S. Chron. E. ann. 925, 927, F. 927, ed. Plummer; Flor. Wig. an. 924; Thorpe's Ancient Laws, i. 194, 196; Stubbs's Reg. Sacr. Anglic. pp. 25–6; Memorials of Dunstan, pp. 55, 354 (Rolls Ser.).]