Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900
DNB Navigation
Teach - Tollet
Teach - Thistlewood
Thom - Thompson
Thoms - Thrupp
Thurcytel - Tollet
Teach, Edward
Teddeman, Thomas
Teeling, Bartholomew
Teesdale, Christopher Charles
Tegg, Thomas
Tegg, William
Telfair, Charles
Telfer, James
Telford, Thomas
Tempest, Pierce
Temple, Henry (1673?-1757)
Temple, Henry (1739-1802)
Temple, Henry John
Temple, James
Temple, John
Temple, Peter
Temple, Richard (1634-1697)
Temple, Richard (1669?-1749)
Temple, Thomas
Temple, William (1555-1627)
Temple, William (1628-1699)
Temple, William Johnstone
Templeman, Peter
Templeton, John (1766-1825)
Templeton, John (1802-1886)
Tench, Watkin
Tenison, Edward
Tenison, Richard
Tenison, Thomas
Tennant, Charles
Tennant, James (1789-1854)
Tennant, James (1808-1881)
Tennant, Smithson
Tennant, William
Tennent, James Emerson
Tennyson, Alfred
Tennyson, Frederick
Teonge, Henry
Terill, Anthony
Terne, Christopher
Terrick, Richard
Terrien De La Couperie, Albert Étienne Jean Baptiste
Terriss, William
Terrot, Charles (1758-1839)
Terrot, Charles Hughes
Terry, Daniel
Terry, Edward
Terry, John
Tesdale, Thomas
Tesimond, Oswald
Thackeray, Francis
Thackeray, Frederick Rennell
Thackeray, George
William Makepeace
Thackwell, Joseph
Thane, John
Thayre, Thomas
Theakston, Joseph
Theed, William
Thellusson, Peter
Thelwall, Eubule
Thelwall, John
Theobald (d.1161)
Theobald, Lewis
Therry, John Joseph
Therry, Roger
Thesiger, Alfred Henry
Thesiger, Frederick (d.1805)
Thesiger, Frederick (1794-1878)
Thew, Robert
Theyer, John
Thicknesse, Ann
known as Ford
Thicknesse, George
Thicknesse, Philip
Thierry, Charles Philip Hippolytus
Thirlby, Styan
Thirlby, Thomas
Thirlwall, Connop
Thirning, William
Thistlewood, Arthur
Thom, Alexander
Thom, James
Thom, John Hamilton
Thom, William
Thomas (1277?-1322)
Thomas of Brotherton
Thomas of Woodstock
Thomas (1388?-1421)
Thomas of Bayeux
Thomas (d.1114)
Thomas à Becket
Thomas Brown
Thomas of Beverley
Thomas of Ely
Thomas (fl.1200?)
Thomas Hibernicus
Thomas of Ashborne
Thomas of Newmarket
Thomas ab Ieuan ap Rhys
Thomas, Arthur Goring
Thomas, David (1760?-1822)
Thomas, David (1813-1894)
Thomas, Edward
Thomas, Elizabeth
Thomas, Ernest Chester
Thomas, Francis Sheppard
Thomas, Frederick Jennings
Thomas, George (1756?-1802)
Thomas, George Housman
Thomas, Honoratus Leigh
Thomas, John (1691-1766)
Thomas, John (1696-1781)
Thomas, John (1712-1793)
Thomas, John (1813-1862)
Thomas, John (1795-1871)
Thomas, John (1821-1892)
Thomas, John Evan
Thomas, John Fryer
Thomas, John Wesley
Thomas, Joshua
Thomas, Lewis
Thomas, Matthew Evan
Thomas, Noah
Thomas, Owen
Thomas, Richard
Thomas, Samuel
Thomas, Sidney Gilchrist
Thomas, Thomas
Thomas, Vaughan
Thomas, William (d.1554)
Thomas, William (1593-1667)
Thomas, William (1613-1689)
Thomas, William (1670-1738)
Thomas, William (fl.1780-1794)
Thomas, William (1832-1878)
Thomason, Edward
Thomason, George
Thomason, James
Thomasson, Thomas
Thomlinson, Matthew
Thomlinson, Robert
Thompson, Benjamin (1754-1814)
Thompson, Benjamin (1776?-1816)
Thompson, Charles
Thompson, Edward
Thompson, George
Thompson, Gilbert
Thompson, Harry Stephen Meysey
Thompson, Henry (1797-1878)
Thompson, Henry Langhorne
Thompson, Jacob
Thompson, James
Thompson, John (fl.1382)
Thompson, John (1647-1710)
Thompson, John (1776-1864)
Thompson, John (1785-1866)
Thompson, John Sparrow David
Thompson, John Vaughan
Thompson, Matthew William
Thompson, Pishey
Thompson, Samuel
Thompson, Theophilus
Thompson, Thomas (1708?-1773)
Thompson, Thomas Boulden
Thompson, Thomas Perronet
Thompson, William
Thompson, William (1712?-1766?)
Thompson, William (1730?-1800)
Thompson, William (1805-1852)
Thompson, William (1811-1889)
Thompson, William Hepworth
Thoms, William John
Thomson, Alexander (1763-1803)
Thomson, Alexander (1817-1875)
Thomson, Allen
Thomson, Andrew Mitchell
Thomson, Anthony Todd
Thomson, Charles Edward Poulett
Thomson, Charles Wyville
Thomson, David
Thomson, Edward Deas
Thomson, George (fl.1643-1668)
Thomson, George (fl.1648-1679)
Thomson, George (1782?-1838)
Thomson, George (1757-1841)
Thomson, George (1799-1886)
Thomson, Henry (1773-1843)
Thomson, Henry William (Byerley)
Thomson, James (1700-1748)
Thomson, James (1786-1849)
Thomson, James (1788-1850)
Thomson, James (1768-1855)
Thomson, James (1834-1882)
Thomson, James (1800-1883)
Thomson, James (1822-1892)
Thomson, James Bruce
Thomson, John (1778-1840)
Thomson, John (1805-1841)
Thomson, John (1765-1846)
Thomson, Joseph
Thomson, Katharine
Thomson, Richard (d.1613)
Thomson, Richard (1794-1865)
Thomson, Robert Dundas
Thomson, Robert William
Thomson, Thomas (1768-1852)
Thomson, Thomas (1773-1852)
Thomson, Thomas (1817-1878)
Thomson, Thomas Napier
Thomson, William (1746-1817)
Thomson, William (1802-1852)
Thomson, William (1819-1890)
Thorburn, Grant
Thorburn, Robert
Thoresby, John
Thoresby, Ralph
Thorie, John
Thorius, Raphael
Thorn, Nathaniel
Thorn, William
Thornborough, John
Thornbrough, Edward
Thornbury, George Walter
Thorndike, Herbert
Thorne, James (1795-1872)
Thorne, James (1815-1881)
Thorne, John
Thorne, Robert
Thorne, William (fl.1397)
Thorne, William (1568?-1630)
Thornhill, James
Thornhill, William
Thornton, Bonnell
Thornton, Edward (1766-1852)
Thornton, Edward Parry
Thornton, Gilbert de
Thornton, Henry
Thornton, Robert (fl.1440)
Thornton, Robert John
Thornton, Samuel
Thornton, Thomas (d.1814)
Thornton, Thomas (1757-1823)
Thornton, Thomas (1786-1866)
Thornton, William (1779?-1840)
Thornton, William Thomas
Thornycroft, Mary
Thornycroft, Thomas
Thorold, Anthony Wilson
Thoroton, Robert
Thoroton, Thomas
Thorp, Charles
Thorpe, Benjamin
Thorpe, Francis
Thorpe, John de
Thorpe, John (fl.1570-1610)
Thorpe, John (1682-1750)
Thorpe, John (1715-1792)
Thorpe, Robert de (fl.1290)
Thorpe, Robert de (d.1372)
Thorpe, Thomas (d.1461)
Thorpe, Thomas (1570?-1635?)
Thorpe, William de
Thorpe, William (d.1407?)
Threlkeld, Caleb
Thring, Edward
Throckmorton, Francis
Throckmorton, Job
Throckmorton, John
or Throgmorton
Throckmorton, Nicholas
See Throckmorton.
Throsby, John
Thrupp, Frederick
Thrupp, John
Thrupp, Joseph Francis
Thurkilbi, Roger de
Thurkill (d.845)
Thurkill (fl.1009)
Thurland, Edward
Thurloe, John
Thurlow, Edward (1731-1806)
Thurlow, Edward (1781-1829)
Thurlow, Thomas
Thurmond, Mrs.
Thurnam, John
Thurston, John (1774-1822)
Thurston, John Bates
Thurtell, John
Thwaites, Edward
Thwaites, George Henry Kendrick
Thweng, Robert de
Thyer, Robert
Thynne, Francis
Thynne, John
Thynne, John Alexander
Thynne, Thomas (1648-1682)
Thynne, Thomas (1640-1714)
Thynne, Thomas (1734-1796)
Thynne, William
Tichborne, Chidiock
Tichborne, Henry
Tichborne, Robert
Tickell, Richard
Tickell, Thomas
Tidcomb, John
Tidd, William
Tidey, Alfred
Tidey, Henry
Tidy, Charles Meymott
Tierney, George
Tierney, Mark Aloysius
Tierney, Matthew John
Tiffin, William
Tighe, Mary
Tillemans, Peter
Tillesley, Richard
Tilley, Samuel Leonard
Tillinghast, John
Tilloch, Alexander
Tillotson, John
Tilney, Edmund
Tilney, John
Tilsley, John
Tilson, Henry
Tilt, John Edward
Timberlake, Henry
Timbrell, Henry
Timbs, John
Timperley, Charles H.
Tindal, Matthew
Tindal, Nicholas (1687-1774)
Tindal, Nicholas Conyngham
Tindal, William
Tinmouth, John de
Tinney, John
Tipper, John
Tipping, William
Tiptoft, John (1375?-1443)
Tiptoft, John (1427?-1470)
Tiptoft, Robert de
Tirel, Walter
Tisdal, Philip
Tisdal, William
Tisdale, John
Titcomb, Jonathan Holt
Tite, William
Titiens, Teresa Caroline Johanna
Titley, Walter
Titus, Silius
Tobin, George
Tobin, John
Tod, James
Todd, Alpheus
Todd, Elliott D'Arcy
Todd, Henry John
Todd, Hugh
Todd, James Henthorn
Todd, Robert Bentley
Todhunter, Isaac
Toft, Mary
Tofte, Robert
Tofts, Katherine
Tofts, Mary
Toland, John
Toler, John
Tolfrey, William
Tollemache, Thomas
Toller, Samuel
Tollet, Elizabeth
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