SIHTRIC or SIGTRYGGR (d. 927), surnamed Gale and Caech (cæcus), king of the Black Gall and White Gall, grandson of Imhar (Inguar) Ragnarsson, came to Dublin with a ‘great royal fleet’ in 888 (Annals of the Four Masters). He left Ireland for Scotland about 902, came back about 916 to Conn Fuait, near Wexford, where he won a battle (Cogadh Gadhael re Gallaibh), and went forth to plunder Leinster, Kildare, and the ‘greater part of the churches of Erin.’ He won back Dublin in 918 (ib.), and fought a battle at Kilmashogue on 15 Sept. 919 against King Niall (Blackknee) [q. v.], who was slain with fifteen other princes (ib.; Sym. Dunelm; Four Masters; A.-S. Chron. s.a. 921). He left Dublin, per potestatem divinam, and crossed to England, where he plundered Davenport (Cheshire) in 920 (Sym. Dunelm; Annales Ultonienses). He ruled the ‘Danes’ and Northumbrians in 925, after Ragnold; met Æthelstan at Tamworth, and married his sister (iii. Kal. Februarii, i.e. 30 Jan., A.-S. Chron. s.a. 925); and died, ‘immatura ætate’ (Ann. Ult.), in 927. He can hardly be the ninth-century Sitric ‘comes,’ whose moneyer was Gundibertus. But his coins are clearly those that read Sitric ‘cununc’ or rex with tenth-century moneyers Ascolv, Ingelgar, and the famous triangular cross-blazoned fringed gonfanon. His son Guthfrith succeeded him as king. Olaf Sitricson (d. 981) [q. v.], known as Anlaf Cuaran, was another son.
[A.-S. Chron.; Flor. Wig.; Sym. Dunelm.; Annales Ultonienses; Chron. Scot.; Four Masters; Cogadh Gaedhael re Gallaibh with Todd's Introduction; Three Fragments of Irish Annals.]