RODINGTON, JOHN (d. 1348), Franciscan, was probably a native of Ruddington, Nottinghamshire. He was educated at Oxford, where he graduated D.D., and at Paris (Budinzsky, Die Universität Paris und die Fremden an derselben im Mittelalter, 1876, p. 92). Entering the Franciscan order, he was attached to the convent of Stamford, and subsequently became nineteenth provincial minister of the order in England. He died in 1348, probably of the plague, at Bedford, where he was buried. He was author of: 1. ‘Joannes Rodinchon in librum i. Sententiarum;’ the manuscript is not known to be extant, but it was printed by Joannes Picardus in his ‘Thesaurus Theologorum,’ 1503. 2. ‘Johannis de Rodynton Determinationes Theologicæ,’ extant at Munich in Bibl. Regiæ, Cod. Lat. 22023, which also contains 3. ‘Quæstiones super quartum librum Sententiarum.’ 4. ‘Quæstiones super Quodlibeta,’ extant in Bruges MS. No. 503.
[Monumenta Franciscana, i. 538, 554, 560; Wadding, p. 153, and Sbaralea, p. 458; Pits, p. 462; Bale, vi. 27; Fabricius's Bibl. Med. Ævi Latinitatis, iv. 364; Tanner's Bibl. Brit.-Hib.; Little's Grey Friars in Oxford, pp. 171, 174.]