RIMSTON or REMINGTON, WILLIAM (fl. 1372), theological writer, was a Cistercian monk of Salley, Yorkshire, and graduated doctor of theology at Oxford. He was chancellor of Oxford in 1372.
He wrote: 1. 'Dialogus inter Catholicam veritatem et Hereticam pravitatem sive contra Wicclevistas,’ beginning ‘Quadraginta quinque conclusionibus meis.’ 2. ‘Conclusiones 26 Hæreticæ.’ 3. ‘Conclusiones Catholicæ,’ called ‘Doctrina simpliciter literatorum’ (all these are in the Bodleian MS. B. 3. 13.; cf. Bernard, Cat. MSS. Nos. 1997, 13–15). 4. ‘Stimulus peccatoris secundum Willelmum Rymtoun,’ with versified preface addressed to an anchorite monk, beginning ‘Memento miser homo;’ there is a copy in the Cambridge University library, Hh. iv. 3 (11). It is ascribed to ‘Thomas Remyston, doctor and monk of Salley,’ in the catalogue of Sion monastery, which also attributes to him a ‘Meditacio divini amoris.’ Tanner also assigns to Rimston two other works which he did not know to be extant, and two sermons which he says were contained in Digby MS. 122, but they are not there now.
[Tanner's Bibl. Brit., under Remyston and Rimston; Le Neve's Fasti Anglic. iii. 465; Visch's Bibl. Script. Cisterc.; Catalogus Cod. MSS. Bibl. Bodl., pars nona; Cat. MSS. Cambr. Univ. Libr. iii. 288.]