OSRED (d. 792), king of Northumbria, was son of Alchred or Aired, king of Northumbria. The latter belonged to the house of Æthelric, a younger son of Ida [q. v.], who had been driven from his kingdom by his own people in 774 (Northumbrian Annals, ap. Hoveden, i. 23). Oswald's mother was Osgearn. He succeeded Alfwold, king of Northumbria, in 788, but was the next year betrayed by his nobles and taken prisoner by Æthelred, who had previously been king, and had been driven out by Alfwold. Æthelred took Osred's kingdom, caused him to be tonsured at York, and banished him. He found shelter in the Isle of Man. While he was there some of the Northumbrian nobles offered to support him; and, relying on their oaths, he returned secretly to Northumbria in 792. His troop deserted him, and he was betrayed to Æthelred, who made him prisoner and had him put to death at a place called Aynburg on 14 Sept. He was buried in the church of the abbey of Tynemouth.
[Symeon of Durham's Hist. Dunelm. Eccl. and Hist. Regum ap. Opera, i. 49, ii. 52, 54 (Rolls Ser.); Hoveden, i. 23 (Rolls Ser.); Dict. Chr. Biogr., art. 'Osred,' by Canon Raine.]