KINGSMILL, ANDREW (1538–1569), puritan divine, son of John Kingsmill of Sidmonton in Hampshire, was probably born at Sidmonton in 1538. He matriculated on 23 Aug. 1553 at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and in 1558 was elected fellow of All Souls' College. He was admitted B.C.L. in the beginning of 1563, and acquired a high reputation as a student of civil law, but gradually turned towards divinity. He soon knew by heart considerable portions of the Old and New Testaments in Greek, and was a keen student of Hebrew. ‘A young bachelor of All Souls’ who frequently supplied the sermon at St. Mary's at the beginning of Elizabeth's reign is identified as Kingsmill by Wood. In order to qualify himself thoroughly for the ministry Kingsmill spent three years at Geneva, and removing thence to Lausanne, died there in September 1569. His papers came into the hands of his friend Francis Mills, sub-warden of All Souls, who describes him, in a short sketch of his life, as ‘a phœnix among lawyers, and a rare example of godliness among gentlemen’ (View of Man's Estate, Pref.)
Mills edited the following works by Kingsmill: 1. ‘A Viewe of Mans Estate, wherein the greate Mercie of God in Mans free Justification by Christ is verie comfortably declared. By Andrewe Kyngesmill. Divided into Chapiters in such sorte as maie beste serve for the commoditie of the Reader. Whereunto is annexed a Godlie Advise given by the Author touchyng Mariage … London, by H. Bynneman,’ 1574, 1576, 1580, 8vo. The ‘Advise’ is addressed to the author's sister, who had lost her first husband. 2. ‘A most excellent and comfortable Treatise for all such as are any maner of way either troubled in Mynde or afflicted in Bodie. Made by Andrew Kingesmyl, Gentleman, sometime fellow of Alsoule Colledge in Oxford. Imprinted at London by Christopher Barkar,’ 1577, 1578, 1585, 8vo. This also was written by Kingsmill for his sister. Printed along with this tract are two treatises usually ascribed to Kingsmill, but Mills, in his prefatory note, declares himself unable to conjecture the author of the second treatise, and says nothing about the third. They are entitled: ‘A verie and learned Exhortation to suffer patiently all Afflictions for the Gospel of Christ Jesus.’ ‘A Conference conteyning a Conflict had with Satan,’ &c. Wood ascribes to Kingsmill ‘A Sermon on St. John iii. 16’ (perhaps the ‘View’): ‘Resolutions concerning the Sacraments;’ ‘Resolutions of some Questions relating to Bishops, Priests, and Deacons,’ and papers on ‘other matters relating to the Reformation.’ Strype mentions a long letter written by Kingsmill to Archbishop Parker ‘against urging the habits.’
[Wood's Athenæ, ed. Bliss, i. 373; Fasti, i. 162; Boase's Reg. of Univ. of Oxford, i. 238, 250, II. ii. 10; Strype's Parker (Clar. Press, 1821), i. 313; Catalogues of Brit. Mus. and Bodleian Libraries; Lowndes's Bibliog. Manual.]