HERD, JOHN, M.D. (1512?–1588), historian, was born about 1512 ‘in that part of Surrey which adjoins the city of London.’ After being educated at Eton, he was admitted a scholar of King's College, Cambridge, on 16 Aug. 1529, and a fellow on 17 Aug. 1532. He proceeded B.A. in 1534, and commenced M.A. in 1546. On 19 Oct. 1557 he became prebendary of Lincoln. In 1558 he was created M.D. On 14 April 1559 he became prebendary of York. He died in the early part of 1588. Sir William Cecil asked Herd on 14 April 1563, by request of the queen, to deliver up at once for perusal certain collections and commonplace notes in his possession made by Cranmer. Cecil wrote to Archbishop Parker on 25 Aug. 1563 that he had recovered five or six of Cranmer's books from Herd. Herd wrote ‘Historia Anglicana, heroico carmine conscripta: inscripta D. Gul. Cecilio. Continet autem Regna RR. Edw. IV et V, Ric. III et Hen. VII’ (Cotton. MS. Julius, C. ii. 136). At the beginning are several copies of verses in praise of the author. In Sloane MS. 1818, f. 132, is a copy of the part relating to Henry VII. A copy of the entire work is mentioned in R. Scott's ‘Catalogue of Books,’ 1687 (p. 175). Herd contributed to the university collection of verse issued on the death of Martin Bucer, 1550–1.
[Cooper's Athenæ Cantabr. ii. 40–1, 543.]