GROVE, ROBERT (1634–1696), bishop of Chichester, born in London in 1634 or 1635, was the son of William Grove of Morden, Dorsetshire (Burke, Landed Gentry, ed. 1868, p. 608). In 1645 he was sent to Winchester College, and was admitted a pensioner of St. John's College, Cambridge, on 18 Oct. 1652 (Kirby, Winchester Scholars, p. 182; Mayor, Admissions to St. John's College, pt. i. p. 108). He was elected a scholar in 1653, graduated B.A. in 1657, and became a fellow on 23 March 1658. For several years he lived in college as tutor, proceeding M.A. in 1660, B.D. in 1667, and D.D. in 1681. The elegance of his scholarship is evinced by his verses in 'Academiæ Cantabrigiensis σῶστρα,' 1660, and his 'Carmen de Sanguinis Circuitu a Gulielmo Harvæo primum invento,' published with some miscellaneous poems in 1685. Grove, on becoming chaplain to Henchman, bishop of London, was presented by him to the rectory of Wennington, Essex, on 21 Feb. 1667, which he left before 27 Jan. 1669. On 2 Sept. 1669 he received from the crown the rectory of Langham, Essex (Newcourt, Repertorium, ii. 366), and on 5 Oct. following the rectory of Aldham, in the same county, from the bishop (ib. ii. 7). These livings he resigned upon obtaining from Henchman the wealthy rectory of St. Andrew Undershaft, London, on 18 Feb. 1670 (ib. i. 83, 230, 268). From 1676 to 1689 he maintained a sharp controversy with William Jenkyn [q. v.] and other nonconformist divines. On 6 Oct. 1679 he was made prebendary of Willesden in St. Paul's Cathedral (Le Neve, Fasti, ed. Hardy, ii. 452). He took part in drawing up the famous petition against the king's declaration for liberty of conscience in May 1688. On 8 Sept. 1690 he was appointed archdeacon of Middlesex (ib. ii. 331), being also chaplain in ordinary to the king and queen. He was consecrated bishop of Chichester on 30 Aug. 1691 (ib. i. 252-3). He died from the effects of a carriage accident on 25 Sept. 1696, aged 62, leaving his family poorly provided for (Life of H. Prideaux, pp. 109, 112). He married Elizabeth Cole of Dover. He was buried in Chichester Cathedral (Dallaway, City of Chichester, p. 137).
His other writings, excluding sermons published separately, are:
- 'A Vindication of the Conforming Clergy from the Unjust Aspersions of Heresie, &c., in answer to some part of M. Jenkyn's Funeral Sermon upon Dr. Seaman. With Short Reflexions on some Passages in a Sermon preached by Mr. J. S. upon 2 Cor. v. 20. In a Letter to a Friend' (anon.), 4to, London, 1676 (2nd edit. 1680).
- 'Responsio ad nuperum libellum qui inscribitur Celeusma' [by W. Jenkyn], 4to, London, 1680.
- 'A Short Defence of the Church and Clergy of England, wherein some of the common objections against both are answered, and the means of union briefly considered' (anon.), 4to, London, 1681.
- 'Defensio suæ Responsionis ad nuperum libellum' [i.e. W. Jenkyn's 'Celeusma'], 4to, London, 1682.
- 'A Perswasive to Communion with the Church of England' (anon.), 4to, London, 1683 (2nd edit, same year).
- 'An Answer to Mr. Lowth's Letter to Dr. Stillingfleet,' 4to, London, 1687.
- 'The Fifteenth Note of the Church Examined, viz. Temporal Felicity' (anon.), pages 365-99 of the confutation of Cardinal Bellarmine's 'Notes of the Church,' published anonymously by W. Sherlock, 4to, London, 1688.
- 'The Protestant and Popish Way of interpreting Scripture, impartially compared in answer to Pax Vobis [by E. G., preacher of the Word],' &c. (anon.), 4to, London, 1689. Grove also translated into Latin Bishop Thomas Barlow's 'Popery,' 8vo, London, 1682.
[Authorities quoted; Baker's Hist. of St. John's College, Cambridge (Mayor), pt. i. pp. 277-8, pt. ii. p. 703.]