GLEMHAM, Sir THOMAS (d. 1649?), royalist, was the son of Sir Henry Glemham of Little Glemham, Suffolk, and Anne, daughter of Thomas Sackville, earl of Dorset (Visitations of Suffolk, p. 140). He was entered at Trinity College (Fasti, ed. Bliss, ii. 88). Glemham was knighted by James I on 10 Sept. 1617, and represented Aldeburgh in the first two parliaments of Charles I (Metcalfe, Book of Knights; Official Return of Names of Members of Parliament, i. 466, 471). He is said to have served in the German wars, and took part in the siege of Bois-le-Duc in 1629 under Lord Wimbledon (Dalton, Life of Wimbledon, ii. 293). In the first Scotch war Glemham was lieutenant-colonel of the Earl of Warwick's regiment, in the second colonel of the 9th regiment of foot in the Earl of Northumberland's army (Peacock, Army Lists, p. 80). When Charles left York, in August 1642, he appointed Glemham to command in York, and to assist with his advice the Earl of Cumberland, the lord-lieutenant of that county [see Clifford, Henry fifth Earl of Cumberland]. Clarendon on this occasion describes Glemham as a gentleman of a noble extraction and a fair but impaired fortune. He had a good reputation for courage and integrity, but was wanting in energy (Rebellion, v. 445). Glemham's attempts against the parliamentary posts near York proved failures, and he was practically blockaded in that city when relieved by the Earl of Newcastle in December 1642 (Slingsby, Diary, ed. Parsons, pp. 78, 83). Newcastle removed Glemham from the government of York, but appointed him colonel-general of his field army (Life of the Duke of Newcastle, ed. 1886, p. 165). In January 1644, when the Scotch army invaded England, Glemham was sent to oppose them in command of the forces of Northumberland. A correspondence then took place between him and the members of the committee of both kingdoms present with the Scots (Rushworth, v. 606–10). Glemham was again appointed governor of York after the battle of Marston Moor, and on the departure of the Marquis of Newcastle to the continent, but was obliged to capitulate a fortnight later (15 July 1644; Rushworth, v. 637–40). He then made his way to Carlisle, which he held against the Scots until 25 June 1645, when want of provisions forced him to surrender (Jefferson, History of Carlisle, pp. 51–5). ‘He was the first man that taught soldiers to eat cats and dogs,’ says Lloyd, speaking of this siege (Memoirs of Excellent Personages, ed. 1668, p. 552). With the remains of the garrison, about two hundred foot, Glemham joined the king at Cardiff. Sir Edward Walker remarks that within three days of Glemham's arrival General Gerard was made Lord Gerard of Brandon in Suffolk, although Glemham had an interest in the place, and was an heir of the family of Brandon (Historical Discourses, p. 134). Charles, however, appreciated Glemham's services if he did not reward them, and he was sent to take the command of Oxford, which he did on 8 Oct. 1645 (Dugdale, Diary, p. 82). In his new post Glemham greatly improved the fortifications, and made preparations for a stubborn defence. But he was obliged to surrender, after a strong protest, by the orders of the members of the privy council present in Oxford, and by that of the king himself (24 June 1645; Dugdale, Diary, p. 88; Clarendon MS. 2240; Old Parliamentary Hist. xiv. 449). In contravention of the articles on which he surrendered, Glemham was for about a month imprisoned in the Fleet, but on applying to Fairfax was released by the House of Commons on 21 Aug. 1645 (Cary, Memorials of the Civil War, i. 143). Sir Thomas and his son Sackville compounded for their estates for the sum of 951l. 15s. (DRING, Catalogue, ed. 1733, p. 44). Nevertheless, he was ready to take up arms in the second civil war, and appeared in Scotland with that object in the spring of 1648. The commissioners of the English parliament demanded his surrender from the parliament of Scotland (31 March 1648), but could not obtain it (Old Parliamentary Hist. xvii. 91, 105, 115). Glemham assisted Sir Philip Musgrave to seize Carlisle, but seems to have taken no further part in the war (Rushworth, vii. 1105). The exact date of his death is uncertain. His will was proved by his brother, Henry Glemham, 13 March 1649–50 (Wood, Fasti, ii. 88).
[Wood's Fasti Oxon. ed. Bliss, ii. 88; Lloyd's Memoirs of Excellent Personages, 1668; Rushworth's Historical Collections; Clarendon's Hist. of the Rebellion.]