< Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900

FULWOOD, WILLIAM (fl. 1562), author, was a member of the Merchant Taylors' Company. His first effort is entitled ‘An Admonition to Elderton to leave the Toyes by hym begonne.’ It was printed by John Alde, and begins:

    A supplication to Elderton for Leaches unlewdness
    Desiring him to pardon his manifest unrudeness.

In 1563 Fullwood published ‘The Castel of Memorie; wherein is conteyned the restoryng, augmentyng, and conservyng of the Memorye and Remembraunce; with the latest remedyes and best preceptes thereunto in any wise apperteyning: Made by Gulielmus Gratarolus Bergomatis, Doctor of Artes and Phisike. Englished by Willyam Fulwod.’ This volume contains a dedication in verse to ‘the Lord Robert Dudely,’ which states that the king of Bohemia has approved the book in its Latin form, and the late Edward VI in a French translation. The book contains many curious receipts for aiding the memory. A second edition appeared in 1573. In 1568 Fullwood published the work by which he is best known; this is ‘The Enimie of Idlenesse: Teaching the maner and stile how to endite, compose, and write all sorts of Epistles and Letters: as well by answer, as otherwise. Set forth in English by William Fulwood, Marchant.’ The volume is dedicated in verse to the ‘Master, Wardens, and Company of Marchant Tayllors,’ and became very popular, running through several editions. It is divided into four books. The first, with much original matter, contains translations from Cicero and the ancients; in the second the translations are from Politian, Ficino, Merula, Pico della Mirandola, and other Italian scholars; the third contains practical and personal letters, mainly original; and in the fourth are six metrical love letters, besides prose specimens. In subsequent editions seven metrical letters are found and other augmentations. Fullwood's verse is spirited and vigorous.

[Corser's Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, vi. 397 (but Fullwood could scarcely have been a scholar of Richard Mulcaster: see J. C. Robinson's Register of Merchant Taylors' School); Nouvelle Biographie Universelle, art. ‘Grataroli;’ J. P. Collier's Extracts from Reg. of Stationers' Company, i. 50, 53, 62, 157; Sir S. E. Brydges's Censura Literaria, 2nd ed. x. 4.]

R. B.

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