FERGIL or VIRGILIUS, Saint (d. 785), bishop of Salzburg, was son of Moeliduin, a descendant of Niall of the Nine Hostages. His studies gave him the foremost place among the learned of his age and country. Having attained the dignity of abbot of Aghaboe in the Queen's County, he gave it up, and about 745 left Ireland, intending to visit the Holy Land, ‘according to the custom of the pious Irish clergy.’ On arriving in France he was honourably received by Pepin, with whom he remained two years at Cressy, near Compiègne. Thence he proceeded to Bavaria, at the invitation of Duke Otilo, to whom he had been strongly recommended by Pepin. Here he became abbot of St. Peter's at Salzburg some time before the death of the duke, which took place in 748. It was while occupying this position that he came into collision with St. Boniface [q. v.] An ignorant priest having in the office of baptism used the words ‘baptizo te in nomine patria et filia et spiritu sancta,’ Boniface ordered Virgilius to repeat the baptism in the proper form. Virgilius maintained that the administration was valid, and Pope Zachary decided in his favour. Boniface afterwards complained to the pope that Virgilius was sore because he had shown him to be in error on the subject of ‘catholic doctrine;’ and that he had given out that he was absolved by the pope in order to obtain a bishopric then vacant. The term ‘absolutus’ is taken to mean ‘authorised’ by Dr. Lanigan, but there seems no sufficient reason for departing from the usual meaning. Boniface's most serious charge was that in his lectures he had taught that there was another world, and other people beneath the earth. Zachary regarded Virgilius's theory as a dangerous error, implying a second human race. Virgilius may have derived his knowledge from the early Greek astronomers, or more probably from Marcianus Capella, one of the text-books of the Irish schools. Zachary in his reply denies that he had acquitted him, and orders Boniface, if his teaching is such as described, to ‘call a council, deprive him of his priesthood, and expel him from the church.’ He also says he intends summoning him to Rome. Whether the summons was ever sent, or if sent obeyed, we are not informed. On the death of Zachary and Boniface Virgilius was appointed bishop of Salzburg in 756, and laboured zealously to provide the town with a cathedral and other religious establishments. At this time a son and nephew of Boruth, duke of Carinthia, were living at Salzburg as hostages, and by their father's desire were baptised, and appear to have received instruction from Virgilius. The nephew, Chetimar, who was very pious, eventually succeeded to the dukedom, and retained with him a priest ordained by Virgilius. Some time after he requested Virgilius to visit his territories, and confirm his subjects in the Christian faith. Being unable, owing to political troubles, to leave Salzburg, Virgilius sent a bishop and a staff of missionary clergy, and kept up the oversight of Carinthia during the time of Chetimar and his successor, and by his diligent care gained the title of the Apostle of Carinthia. Towards the end of his life he made a personal visitation of the scenes of his missionary labour, in order to eradicate the remains of idolatry and confirm the people in the faith. He travelled beyond Carinthia and through the intervening territories to Slavonia, and on to the confluence of the Drave and Danube. He was received everywhere by the people with respect and esteem, but feeling that his end was approaching he returned to Salzburg, and shortly after died on 27 Nov. 785, after an episcopate of thirty years.
In Zachary's second letter to Boniface he says of Virgilius, ‘I know not whether to call him presbyter.’ This is an allusion to the circumstance recorded in his life that ‘he concealed his orders,’ that is, did not permit it to be known that he was a bishop, but was accompanied by one who performed episcopal duties for him. The name of this bishop, Dobdagrecus, was understood by Ussher and others, even as late as Mr. Haddan, to mean Dobda the Greek, but it is merely the Latin form of the name Dubh da Crioch, or Dubh of the Two Countries, i.e. Ireland and Germany. This concealment of episcopal orders was also practised abroad by St. Disibod [q. v.] Dr. Todd expresses some doubt as to whether the pedigree which gives his descent from Niall is that of Virgilius of Salzburg, but thinks it may be, and that the term ‘dergaine’ added to the name is an error of transcription for ‘do germaine,’ ‘of Germany.’ The word ‘dergenaig,’ not ‘dergaine,’ as he has it, is, however, found attached to the name both in the ‘Book of Leinster’ and the ‘Lebar Brecc,’ and therefore Dr. Todd's conjecture will not stand, but it is evident that Vergil of Salzburg is the person meant, as in both the authorities mentioned he is termed ‘saint.’ ‘The Annals of the Four Masters’ at the year 784 have ‘the death of Virgil the Geometer abbot of Aghaboe.’ It has been maintained that this is not Virgil of Salzburg, but there seems no good reason to doubt it, and the attempt to prove otherwise involves many difficulties. That he had a career at home as well as abroad may be inferred from his pedigree appearing in the two works mentioned, which would not have been the case if his life was wholly spent abroad. He is said to have been canonised by Gregory IX in 1233, but however this may be he is, as we have seen, entitled ‘saint’ in the pedigree in the ‘Book of Leinster,’ a manuscript a hundred years earlier. The canonisation referred to would therefore seem to be rather an official recognition of a title already existing. Eminent as this indicates him to have been as a religious teacher, he was equally famous for his scientific attainments, as the epithet of ‘the Geometer’ proves, and it is not without interest to notice that, leaving Ireland in mature age, he must have received his education in his native land. This is confirmed by Alcuin, who in one of his minor poems, referring to Ireland having given him birth, adds that she also ‘educated and reared him’ (docuit, nutrivit). No literary remains of him survive, except a glossary which is quoted by Goldastus.
[Canisius, Ant. Lect. tom. iii. pt. ii. p. 273; Mabillon, Act. Bened. sæc. iii. pt. ii.; Harris's (Ware) Writers at ‘Virgil;’ Ussher's Sylloge, epist. xvi. xvii. (Works, iv. 461–5); Lanigan's Eccles. Hist. iii. 179–90, 205–7; Todd's St. Patrick, pp. 64, 65; Alcuin, Poem No. 231; Book of Leinster, p. 348 a; Lebar Brecc, p. 14 a; Annals of the Four Masters, A.D. 784.]