FELL, WILLIAM (1758?–1848), author, born probably near Brampton, Cumberland, about 1758, was a schoolmaster successively at Manchester, Wilmslow, and Lancaster, and after his retirement lived at Clifton, near Lowther, Westmoreland. He died in March 1848 at Shap, in the same county, leaving his property, an ample competency, to the children of his elder brother, John Fell of Swindale Head, thereby disinheriting his only surviving son, Henry, who lived in Denmark.
He was an industrious writer for the press and published the following separate works: 1. ‘Hints on the Instruction of Youth’ (anonymous), Manchester, 1798. 2. ‘Hints on the Causes of the High Prices of Provisions,’ Penrith, 1800. 3. ‘A System of Political Economy,’ Salford, 1808. 4. ‘Remarks on Mr. Lancaster's System of Education, in which his erroneous statements and the defects in his mode of tuition are detected and explained,’ Warrington, 1811. 5. ‘A Sketch of the Principal Events in English History,’ Warrington, 1811; 2nd edition 1813.
[Communications from Mr. John Yarker of Manchester, who possesses several unpublished manuscripts by Fell.]