< Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900

DRAXE, THOMAS (d. 1618), divine, was born at Stoneleigh, near Coventry, Warwickshire, 'his father being a younger brother of a worshipfull family, which for many years had lived at Wood-hall in Yorkshire' (Fuller, Worthies, ed. 1662, 'Warwickshire,' p. 125). His name does not occur in the pedigree given by Hunter (South Yorkshire, ii. 108), nor in that by Glover (Yorkshire, Visitation of, 15841585, ed. Foster, p. 342). He received his education at Christ's College, Cambridge, as a member of which he afterwards proceeded B.D. In 1601 he was presented to the vicarage of Dovercourt-cum-Harwich, Essex (framed succession list of vicars in Harwich Church), but, disliking the east coast, he left a curate in charge, and lived variously at Coventry and at Colwich in Staffordshire (Prefaces to Works). A few years before his death he returned to 'Harwich, 'where,' says Fuller, who gives the wrong year of his death, 'the change of the Aire was conceived to hasten his great change' (Worthies, loc. cit.) He was buried at Harwich on 29 Jan. 1618 (parish register). 'A pious man and an excellent preacher,' Draxe was author of:

  1. 'The Churches Securitie; together with the Antidote or Preservative of everwaking Faith … Hereunto is annexed a … Treatise of the Generall Signes ... of the Last Judgement,' 4to, London, 1608.
  2. 'The Worldes Resurrection, or the general calling of the Jewes. A familiar Commentary upon the eleventh Chapter of Saint Paul to the Romaines,' 4to, London, 1608 (with new title-page, 4to, London, 1609).
  3. The Sicke Man's Catechisme; or Path-way to Felicitie collected and contrived into questions and answers, out of the best Divines of our time. Whereunto is annexed two prayers,' 16mo (London), 1609.
  4. 'Calliepeia; or a rich Store-house of Proper, Choice and Elegant Latine Words and Phrases, collected for the p. 36). most part out of all Tullies works,' 8vo, London, 1612 (the second impression, enlarged, 8vo, London, 1613; another edition, 8vo, London, 1643).
  5. 'Novi Coeli et nova Terra, seu Concio vere Theologica, … in qua creaturarum vanitas et misera servitus, earundem restitutio, … et … corporis humani resurrectio, in eadem substantia … describuntur et demonstrantur,' Oppenheim, 1614.
  6. 'Bibliotheca scholastica instructissima. Or, Treasurie of Ancient Adagies and Sententious Proverbes, selected out of the English, Greeke, Latine, French, Italian, and Spanish, 8vo, London, 1633, posthumous publication, the preface of which is dated from 'Harwich, Julii 30, 1615' (another edition, 8vo, London, 1654).

Fuller also states that Draxe 'translated all the works of Master Perkins (his countryman and collegiat) into Latine, which were printed at Geneva,' 2 vols. fol., 1611-18.

[Authorities as above; Fuller's Hist. of Univ of Cambridge (Nichols), p. 137; Newcourt's Repertorium, ii. 220; Brit. Mus. Cat ]

G. G.

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