< Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900

CARWELL, THOMAS (1600–1664), jesuit, whose real name was Thorold, belonged to the ancient Lincolnshire family of Thorold. He was born of protestant parents in 1600, and became a catholic in 1622. After studying in the jesuit college at St. Omer, he entered the English college at Rome in 1629, and in 1633 he was ordained priest. In the latter year he entered the Society of Jesus at St. Andrew's, Rome, and in 1643 he became a professed father. For several years he was employed as professor of philosophy and theology at Liège. In 1647 he was sent to the English mission, and during many years he was missioner in the London district, of which in 1655 he was rector. He was also at one period vice-provincial of his order. His death occurred in London on 9 Aug. 1664. He wrote a bulky controversial work, entitled ‘Labyrinthvs Cantvariensis: or Doctor Lawd's Labyrinth. Beeing an Answer to the late Archbishop of Canterbvries Relation of a Conference between himselfe and Mr. Fisher, etc. Wherein the true grounds of the Roman Catholique Religion are asserted, the principall Controuersies betwixt Catholiques and Protestants throughly examined, and the Bishops meandrick windings throughout his whole worke layd open to publique view. By T. C.’ Paris, 1658, fol.

[Foley's Records, v. 609, vi. 324, vii. 774; Southwell's Bibl. Script. Soc. Jesu, 761; Oliver's Jesuit Collections, 67; Backer's Bibl. des Écrivains de la Société de Jésus (1869), 1100.]

T. C.

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.57
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line  
239 ii 19-18 f.e. Carwell, Thomas: for an ancient Lincolnshire family now extinct read the ancient Lincolnshire family of Thorold
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