BOUQUETT, PHILIP, D.D. (1669–1748), Hebrew professor, was educated at Westminster School, whence he was elected in 1689 to a scholarship at Trinity College, Cambridge. He became B.A. 1692, M.A. 1696, B.D. 1706, D.D. 1711. When a vacancy occurred in the professorship of Hebrew in 1704, which it was thought desirable to confer on Sike, Bouquett was temporarily appointed to it in the absence of Sike, the famous oriental scholar, for whom the post was reserved. Sike was definitely elected in August 1705, but on the professorship falling vacant again seven years later, Bouquett was elected to fill it permanently. He died senior fellow of Trinity on 12 Feb. 1747-8, aged 79. Cole describes him as 'born in France, an old miserly refugee, who died rich in college, and left his money among the French refugees. He was a meagre, thin man, bent partly double, and for his oddities and way of living was much ridiculed.' He refused to sign the petition against Dr. Bentley. Bouquett contributed a copy of elegiacs to the university collection of poems on the death of George I and accession of George II in 1727.
[Welch's Al. West. 214; Gent. Mag. xviii. 92; Cole's MSS. xxxiii. 274, xlv. 244, 334; Monk's Life of Bentley, i. 186, 329-30.]