BONVILLE, ANTHONY (1621–1676), otherwise called Terrill, a jesuit father, son of Humphrey Bonville of Canford, Dorsetshire, by Maria, his wife, was born at Canford in 1621. His mother, being strongly attached to the Roman creeds and ritual, seems to have early given a bias to her son's religious sentiments; and though his father was a protestant, Anthony was allowed to fall under the influence of Father Thomas Bennet (alias Blackfan), who had been an active missioner in the Hampshire district since 1634. He was soon persuaded by the practised disputant, and left England to be educated at St. Omer when in his fifteenth year. Thence he set out for Rome in 1640, and entered at the English college on 4 Dec. He was ordained priest in March 1647, and in the following June was received into the Society of Jesus at Rome. He was successively penitentiary at Loreto, professor of philosophy at Florence and Parma, and professor of theology and mathematics at Liège, where he died on 11 Oct. 1676. Father John Greaves, who died professor of Hebrew at Liège in 1652, was connected with Bonville on his mother's side. His published works were: 1. ‘Conclusiones Philosophicæ,’ Parma, 12mo, 1657. 2. ‘Problema Mathematico-philosophicum tripartitum, de termino magnitudinis ac virium in animalibus,’ Parma, 12mo, 1660. 3. ‘Fundamentum totius Theologiæ Moralis, seu Tractatus de Conscientia probabili … auctore R. P. Antonio Terillo, Anglo, Soc. Jesu Sacerd. … In hoc tractatu … errores Jansenii circa ignorantiam invincibilem refutantur’ … Liège, 4to, 1668. 4. ‘Regula Morum sive tractatus bipartitus de sufficienti ad conscientiam rite formandam regula … Auctore R. P. Antonio Terillo … Opus posthumum,’ Liège, fol. 1678.
[Foley's Records of the Society of Jesus, iii. (i.e. ser. v.–viii.), pp. 410, 420; Diary and Pilgrim Book, p. 353; De Backer's Bibliothèque des Ecrivains de la Comp. de Jésus (fol. Louvain, 1876) sub voc. Terill.]
Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.31
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line
Page | Col. | Line | |
364 | ii | 4 f.e. | Bonville, Anthony: for Terrill read Terill |