BOHEMUS, MAURITIUS (fl. 1647–1662), ejected minister, was born at Colberg on the Pomeranian coast. His uncle, Dr. Johannes Bergius (Palmer has ‘Burgius’ incorrectly), was chaplain to the elector of Brandenburg; he was born at Stettin 24 Feb. 1587, and died at Berlin 27 Dec. 1658. Bohemus was rector of Hallaton, Leicestershire, and ejected thence in 1662, when he returned to Germany. He seems to have been thrice married. Jane, wife of 'Mr. Bohemus,' was buried at Hallaton 14 Dec. 1647; his wife Elizabeth was buried 10 July 1654; he married Hannah Vowe 27 Feb. 1656. By his wife Elizabeth he had a daughter Anne, baptised 12 March 1652; probably the Mrs. Ann Boheme buried at Walcot 20 Nov. 1695.
He published:
- 'A Christians Delight, or Morning-Meditations,' &c., London, 1654, 12mo (has Latin dedication to Sir Arthur Haselrig, signed 'Mauritius' Bohemus; the English title-page has 'Maritius.' The title-page incorrectly states the number of 'Meditations' as ninety-seven; there are ninety-eight, and an appendix makes up one hundred. Palmer, mistaking Calamy, makes this two works).
- 'The Pearle of Peace and Concord,' &c., London, 1665, 16mo (a translation of a German work by Dr. Bergius, published twenty years before, with an irenical aim in view of the differences among protestants; Bohemus dedicates his translation to Oliver Cromwell).
[Calamy's Account, 1713, p. 438; Calamy's Continuation, 1727, p. 594; Palmer's Nonconf. Memorial, 1802, ii. 887; Allg. Deut. Biog. 1875, ii. 386; Burial Register of Walcot, Lincolnshire.]