BARKER, SAMUEL (1686–1759), Hebraist, possessed of property in the vicinity of Lyndon, in the county of Rutland. He married Sarah, only daughter of William Whiston, in whose memoirs he is mentioned. He wrote several learned tracts, which were collected and published in one quarto volume after his death, together with a Hebrew grammar, on which he had long been engaged. He was the author of a letter, dated 7 Nov. 1723, to Mr. Wasse, rector of Aynho, Northamptonshire, concerning a passage in the Sigean inscription, which may be found in Bowyer's ‘Bibl. Liter.’ No. 10 (1724). The full title of the posthumously printed quarto volume referred to is ‘Poesis vetus Hebraica restituta; accedunt quædam de Carminibus Anacreonticis, de accentibus Græcis; de scriptura veteri Ionica, de literis consonantibus et vocalibus, et de pronunciatione linguæ Hebraicæ. Auctore Samuele Barker armigero, nuper de Lyndon, in com. Rotelandiæ,’ 1761, 4to.
[Watt's Bibl. Brit.; Nichols's Lit. Anecd. ix. 680.]