CAMPBELL, SIR JOHN (1802–1878)
Son of John Campbell of Lochead : born in 1802 : entered the E. I. Co's service, 1820: served in Madras : in 1834 was in command in subduing the hill tribes in Orissa : in the Gumsur war, 1836–7 : was deputed, 1837–42, to the civil duty of stopping the practices of human sacrifice and female infanticide among the Khonds of Orissa : went to China, 1842 : C.B. : was again sent to his former duty among the Khonds, 1847–9 : returned to Scotland, 1855 : Maj-General, 1872 : died April 22, 1878 : published a personal narrative of his 13 years' (not uninterrupted) work among the Khonds, which led to controversy with the family of the officer who had, in his absence, favoured a different policy with that native race.