BRUCE, JOHN (1745–1826)
Historian: educated at Edinburgh University, and Professor of Logic there: appointed Keeper of the State Paper Office, and Historiographer of the E. I. Co.: M.P. for a borough in Cornwall, 1809–14: and for a short time Secretary of the Board of Commissioners for the affairs of India, i.e. the Board of Control: F.R.S: died April 16, 1826. He wrote on philosophy as well as history: his chief works relating to India were Historical View of Plans for the Government of British India, 1793: Annals of the E. I. Co. from their establishment by the Charter of Queen Elizabeth, 1600, to the Union of the London and English E. I. Companies, 1707–8, 1810: Report on the Renewal of the E. I. Co.'s exclusive Privileges of Trade for 20 years from March 1794–1811.