Born 1807: son of Rev. W. Broadfoot: entered the Madras Native Infantry in 1826: in 1841 was sent to Kabul commanding the escort with the families of Shah Shuja and Zaman Shah: in Oct. 1841 he accompanied Sir R. Sale's force from Kabul to Jalalabad: which he fortified, and became garrison engineer there during the siege by the Afghans: he animated the whole defence and prevented a surrender: was with General Pollock's Army in the campaign of 1842, and distinguished himself in the actions in the Khyber, at Tezin and Mamu Kheyl: C.B.: made Commissioner of Tenasserim and, later. Agent to the Governor-General on the N.W. frontier: he was a Major in the Sikh war of 1845–6: was mortally wounded at Firozshahr, Dec. 21, 1845.